I have an isomorphic app that's using webpack 2 to compile assets. I added chunking now with System.import
which works on the webpack side but not on the server-side with function not found.
Any idea how I can solve this?
I have an isomorphic app that's using webpack 2 to compile assets. I added chunking now with System.import
which works on the webpack side but not on the server-side with function not found.
Any idea how I can solve this?
There are a few options available for getting System.import
working with isomorphic/server-side rendering:
Feature-detect System
and polyfill
Node allows you to call require()
in a number of places and shimming System.import
as follows should work:
if (typeof System === "undefined") { var System = { import: function(path) { return Promise.resolve(require(path)); } }; }
If you're looking for a more robust implementation, there's also es6-micro-loader, which implements a System
polyfill that works both in the browser and node.
Use babel-plugin-system-import-transformer to replace System.import
with the equivalent UMD pattern
i.e takes the following form:
System.import('./utils/serializer').then(function(module){ console.log(module); });
and transforms it down to:
new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { var global = window; if (typeof global.define === 'function' && global.define.amd) { global.require(['utilsSerializer'], resolve, reject); } else if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && (module.exports && typeof require !== 'undefined') || typeof module !== 'undefined' && (module.component && (global.require && global.require.loader === 'component'))) { resolve(require('./utils/serializer')); } else { resolve(global['utilsSerializer']); } }).then(function(module){ console.log(module); });
Build with Webpack targeting Node (which will use require to load chunks):
webpack --target node
One of these options might suit your needs:
in addition to require.ensure
which just returns a resolved promise with the require()'d module.