show/hide some menus depend on the Sonata admin ROLE

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 07:50:05


I'm working on a web project using Symfony2 , and i used Sonata Admin for the admin Panel , every thing works fine but what i want to do is ,on the dashboard menus of sonata Admin , i need to show hide some menus depend on the admin ROLE , so did any one do this before or know how to do it ? i tryed to use the config of the roles but when i'm connecting with a ROlE diffrent of ROLE_SONATA_ADMIN the top menu dont show up ,

- { path: ^/admin, role: [ROLE_ADMIN, ROLE_SONATA_ADMIN,ROLE_ADMIN_NEWS] } 



i found the solution for this i need just to define the groups on the config.yml Like this

dashboard:     groups:         Content:             label: Content             items:                 - sonata.admin.pages                 - sonata.admin.menus             roles: [ ROLE_ADMIN_CONTENT, ROLE_SUPER_ADMIN ] 
