Using SED to Get the Last n Lines of a Huge Text File

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 03:10:03


How can I use "sed" command to get the last n lines of a huge text file (e.g. A.txt) and copy them into a new text file(e.g. B.txt)? I do not want to remove that lines from A.txt.


You don't. You use tail -n NUMLINES for that.

tail -n 100 A.txt > B.txt 


Here's how to use sed to print the last 10 lines of a file:

sed -e :a -e '$q;N;11,$D;ba'  

You should probably only use this if you're planning on executing more sed commands on these lines. Otherwise the tail command is designed for this job.


Using GNU sed, here's how to get the last 10 lines:

(For n lines, replace 11, with n+1)

sed -ne':a;$p;N;11,$D;ba' A.txt > B.txt

Note: On my Mac, with MacPorts, GNU sed is invoked as gsed. To use Apple's sed you would have to separate the label: sed -ne':a' -e'$p;N;11,$D;ba'*


sed -ne' invoke sed without automatic printing pattern space

:a label for looping

$p on last line, print pattern space, then quit

N slurp the next line

11,$D on line 11 through last line, remove the first line from pattern space (i.e. [^\n]*\n)

ba' loop to :a


Because of the loop, sed continuously appends the next line to pattern space. After line 11 and through the last line (11,$D) sed begins removing the first line from pattern space. At the last line the pattern space is printed (`$p'), which contains the last 10 most recently slurped lines (the last 10 lines of file A.txt).
