I have encountered this problem whilst trying to run off the following cmd from siege on Mac OS X 10.8.3.
siege -d1 -c 20 -t2m -i -f -r10 urls.txt
The output from Siege is the following:
** SIEGE 2.74 ** Preparing 20 concurrent users for battle. The server is now under siege... done. siege aborted due to excessive socket failure; you can change the failure threshold in $HOME/.siegerc Transactions: 0 hits Availability: 0.00 % Elapsed time: 27.04 secs Data transferred: 0.00 MB Response time: 0.00 secs Transaction rate: 0.00 trans/sec Throughput: 0.00 MB/sec Concurrency: 0.00 Successful transactions: 0 Failed transactions: 1043 Longest transaction: 0.00 Shortest transaction: 0.00 FILE: /usr/local/var/siege.log You can disable this annoying message by editing the .siegerc file in your home directory; change the directive 'show-logfile' to false.