Gradle configuration for multi-module project with shared dependencies

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 02:49:01


Make a first project with gradle, so i look at spring, gradle, hibernate projects how they organize gradle files, and start make my own. But, can't find mistake, why my configuration doesn't work. (sub-projects cant resolve dependency) So project tree:

Root project 'foobar' +--- Project ':foobar-app' | +--- Project ':foobar-app:people' | | +--- Project ':foobar-app:people:people-api' | | +--- Project ':foobar-app:people:people-core' | | +--- Project ':foobar-app:people:people-data' | | \--- Project ':foobar-app:people:people-rest' | \--- Project ':foobar-app:realtor' +--- Project ':foobar-starter' \--- Project ':foobar-system' +--- Project ':foobar-system:foobar-system-jpa' +--- Project ':foobar-system:foobar-system-neo4j' +--- Project ':foobar-system:foobar-system-persistence' +--- Project ':foobar-system:foobar-system-repository' \--- Project ':foobar-system:foobar-system-tx' 

The problem, when i make foobar-system-jpa.gradle file with set of dependences, etc, it's not work - no dependecies can be reach for this module. But when in root 'foobar' build.gradle make a set of deps for 'foobar-system-jpa' subproject - it' work fine. Why?

My root build.gradle:

configurations.all {     // check for updates every build     resolutionStrategy.cacheChangingModulesFor 0, 'seconds' }  configure(allprojects) { project ->     group = 'com.foobar'     version = '0.0.1-SNAPSHOT'      apply from: "${rootDir}/dependencies.gradle"      apply plugin: 'maven'     apply plugin: 'idea'      ext.gradleScriptDir = "${rootProject.projectDir}/gradle"      apply from: "${gradleScriptDir}/task.gradle"  }  configure(subprojects) { subproject ->     apply plugin: 'java'      sourceCompatibility = 1.7     targetCompatibility = 1.7     apply from: "${rootDir}/dependencies.gradle"      repositories {         mavenCentral()          maven { url "" }         maven { url "" }     }       dependencies {         testCompile (libs.junit)         testCompile (libs.mockito)         testCompile group: 'org.hamcrest', name: 'hamcrest-library', version: '1.3'     }  } 

my dependecies.gradle

ext {     springVersion = "4.0.0.RELEASE"     jUnitVersion = "4.11"     hibernateVersion = "4.2.1.Final"      libs = [             //springframework             spring_core: "org.springframework:spring-core:$springVersion",             spring_orm: "org.springframework:spring-orm:$springVersion",           ......             hibernate_entitymanager: "org.hibernate:hibernate-entitymanager:$hibernateVersion",             hibernate_persistence: "org.hibernate.javax.persistence:hibernate-jpa-2.0-api:1.0.1.Final",             //database             postgresql : "org.postgresql:postgresql:9.3-1100-jdbc41",             commons_dbcp : "commons-dbcp:commons-dbcp:1.4",            .....      ] } 

and my settings.gradle = 'foobar' include ':foobar-system:foobar-system-jpa' .... include ':foobar-app:people:people-rest' include ':foobar-app:people:people-core' .... include ':foobar-starter'  project(':foobar-system:foobar-system-jpa').projectDir = "$rootDir/foobar-system/foobar-system-jpa" as File project(':foobar-system:foobar-system-repository').projectDir = "$rootDir/foobar-system/foobar-system-repository" as File ..... project(':foobar-app').projectDir = "$rootDir/foobar-app" as File project(':foobar-starter').projectDir = "$rootDir/foobar-starter" as File  rootProject.children.each { project ->     project.buildFileName = "${}.gradle"     assert project.projectDir.isDirectory()     assert project.buildFile.exists()     assert project.buildFile.isFile() } 

So, foobar-system-jpa.gradle that NOT work (module can not compile, cause not found any dependency)

dependencies {     compile libs.spring_orm     compile (libs.spring_data_jpa) {         exclude(module: 'spring-jdbc')         exclude(module: 'spring-orm')     }     compile libs.hibernate_entitymanager     compile libs.postgresql     compile libs.commons_dbcp     compile project(':foobar-system:foobar-system-tx') } 

Thank you for reply. For inspiration a take a look for this project

UPD: remove some not necessary code


There is a problem with your settings.gradle. It is configuring buildFileName for rootProject.children, which are the immediate children of the root project. As a result, all build scripts for projects that are more than one level deep will go unnoticed.

To solve this problem, you can either set build script names explicitly, or write a method that sets them recursively.

PS: Always try to come up with a minimal failing example, rather than posting pages of code.
