AtributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'plt' - Seaborn

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 02:30:02


I'm very new with these libraries and i'm having troubles while plotting this:

import pandas as pd import seaborn as sns import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import random  df5 = pd.read_csv('../../../../datos/tiempos-exacto-variando-n-m0.csv', sep=', ', engine='python') print(df5) df5['n'] = df5['n'].apply(lambda x: x**2) sns.jointplot(df5['n'], df5['tiempoTotal'], kind="reg") 

And i'm getting this output:

 n  m  tiempoTotal 0      1  0         2274 1      2  0         3370 2      3  0         5709 3      4  0         8959 4      5  0        13354 5      6  0        18503 6      7  0        26329 7      8  0        33859 8      9  0        41110 9     10  0        52710 10    11  0        64364 11    12  0        74142 12    13  0        81072 13    14  0        69332 14    15  0        71027 15    16  0        89721 16    17  0        85459 17    18  0        95217 18    19  0       119210 19    20  0       136888 20    21  0       131903 21    22  0       138395 22    23  0       151222 23    24  0       163542 24    25  0       177236 25    26  0       192475 26    27  0       240162 27    28  0       260701 28    29  0       235752 29    30  0       250835 ..   ... ..          ... 580  581  0     88306854 581  582  0     89276420 582  583  0     87457875 583  584  0     90807004 584  585  0     87790003 585  586  0     89821530 586  587  0     89486585 587  588  0     88496901 588  589  0     89090661 589  590  0     89110803 590  591  0     90397942 591  592  0     94029839 592  593  0     92749859 593  594  0    105991135 594  595  0     95383921 595  596  0    105155207 596  597  0    114193414 597  598  0     98108892 598  599  0     97888966 599  600  0    103802453 600  601  0     97249346 601  602  0    101917488 602  603  0    104943847 603  604  0     98966140 604  605  0     97924262 605  606  0     97379587 606  607  0     97518808 607  608  0     99839892 608  609  0    100046492 609  610  0    103857464  [610 rows x 3 columns] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-21-63146953b89d> in <module>()       9 df5['n'] = df5['n'].apply(lambda x: x**2)      10 sns.jointplot(df5['n'], df5['tiempoTotal'], kind="reg") ---> 11  AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'plt' 

I'm running this in my Jupyter Notebook with Python 2.7.12. Any ideas?

回答1: works fine for me using seaborn 0.7.1. Could be that this is different in other versions. However, if you anyways import matplotlib.pyplot as plt you may as well simply use, as is only working because pyplot is available inside the seaborn namespace.


Well, I ran into this issue as well with Seaborn 0.8.1. Turns out being able to call is bad practice and the fact that it worked was a bug which the developer fixed. Unfortunately, there are many tutorials out there that still advise one to use This is how I solved it:

  1. Import plt directly: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
  2. Before you plot anything, set the default aesthetic parameters: sns.set() - important, because otherwise you won't get the Seaborn palettes.
  3. Replace all calls to sns.plt with plt


As of Seaborn 0.8.1, sns.plt.plot() raises the error module 'seaborn' has no attribute 'plt'.

sns.plot() also raises an error; these methods are not in Seaborn's API.

Dropping the “sns.” to leave “plt.plot()” (as other answers suggest) does work, but only because we've called the sns.set() method in place earlier in the script... i.e. Seaborn is making an aesthetic change: Matplotlib is still the object, which does the plotting, via its plt.plot() method.

This script shows sns.set() in action... if you follow the comments and swap sns.set() between different locations in the script, it changes the appearance of the subplots. They look like Seaborn plots, but Matplotlib is doing the plotting.

Seaborn does of course have a load of its own plot methods (like sns.boxplot(), sns.violinplot() etc) but there is no longer a method sns.plt.plot().


Can't comment because low reputation (newbie here)

I just want to confirm that I got the same error using Jupyter inside Anaconda (Feb 2018). Got the code from here but the error occured. It turns out that I need to simply add

import matplotlib 

on top of

import seaborn as sns 

and it work just fine using instead of
