Can't find variable: page in PhantomJS

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 02:20:02


I'm beginner in test, both in Unit Test and UI Test

I'm trying to create a UI test for my login page using following code:

console.log("Teste de Login");  var page = require('webpage').create();'http://localhost/login', function(status) {     console.log("Page loadeed");      if(status === "success") {         page.render('example1.png');     }      page.evaluate(function() {         // $("#numeroUsuario").val("99734167");         document.getElementById('numeroUsuario').value = "99734167";         page.render('exampl2.png');          // $("#formLogin").submit();         page.render('example3.png');     });      phantom.exit(); }); 

But this code returns the following error:

> phantomjs.exe ./testLogin.js Teste de Login Page loadeed ReferenceError: Can't find variable: page    phantomjs://webpage.evaluate():4   phantomjs://webpage.evaluate():8 

Where element $("#numeroUsuario") exists. What have I done wrong?


Pretty sure that in a page.evaluate environment, you can't reference anything from the Phantom script.

In your case, you could actually have multiple evaluate calls:

console.log("Teste de Login");  var page = require('webpage').create();'http://localhost/login', function(status) {     console.log("Page loadeed");      if(status === "success") {         page.render('example1.png');     }      page.evaluate(function() {         // $("#numeroUsuario").val("99734167");         document.getElementById('numeroUsuario').value = "99734167";     });      page.render('exampl2.png');      page.evaluate(function() {         // $("#formLogin").submit();     });      page.render('example3.png');      phantom.exit(); }); 


The documentation says the following about the page context (emphasis mine):

The execution is sandboxed, the web page has no access to the phantom object and it can't probe its own setting.

This means that variables defined outside of the page.evaluate() callback function are not accessible inside of it. It also means that this refers to the window object.

You can of course split the page.evaluate() call into multiple calls and move the move the calls that use outer variables in between the page.evaluate() calls like Platinum Azure showed, but this doesn't work if you want to call some PhantomJS function from inside of a callback inside of the page.evaluate() callback.

The solution would be to use the window.callPhantom and page.onCallback pair. This is perfect for asynchronous functions:

var renderId = 0; page.onCallback = function(data){     console.log("Callback: " + data.type);     if (data.type === "exit") {         phantom.exit();     } else if (data.type === "render") {         page.render(data.fname || ("screenshot_" + (renderId++) + ".png"));     } };  page.onConsoleMessage = function(msg){     console.log("remote> " + msg); };  var getUrl = "";, function(){     page.evaluate(function(getUrl){         $.get(getUrl, "", function(data){             console.log(JSON.stringify(data));             window.callPhantom({ type: "render" });             window.callPhantom({ type: "exit" });         });     }, getUrl); }); 

The exit might interfere with the previously triggered render operation. It surely is possible to delay the exit in that case by some fixed amount of time such as half a second:

if (data.type === "exit") {     setTimeout(function(){         phantom.exit();     }, 500); } 

Furthermore it isn't possible to pass the page object into the page context, because only serializable objects can be passed in:

Note: The arguments and the return value to the evaluate function must be a simple primitive object. The rule of thumb: if it can be serialized via JSON, then it is fine.

Closures, functions, DOM nodes, etc. will not work!
