How can I use proto3 with Hadoop/Spark?

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 01:48:02


I've got several .proto files which rely on syntax = "proto3";. I also have a Maven project that is used to build Hadoop/Spark jobs (Hadoop 2.7.1 and Spark 1.5.2). I'd like to generate data in Hadoop/Spark and then serialize it according to my proto3 files.

Using libprotoc 3.0.0, I generate Java sources which work fine within my Maven project as long as I have the following in my pom.xml:

Now, when I use my libprotoc-generated classes in a job that gets deployed to a cluster I get hit with:

java.lang.VerifyError : class blah overrides final method mergeUnknownFields.(Lcom/google/protobuf/UnknownFieldSet;)Lcom/google/protobuf/GeneratedMessage$Builder;     at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)     at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass( 

ClassLoader failing seems reasonable given that Hadoop/Spark have a dependency on protobuf-java 2.5.0 which is incompatible with my 3.0.0-beta-1. I also noticed that protobufs (presumably versions

$ jar tf target/myjar-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar | grep protobuf | grep '/$' org/apache/hadoop/ipc/protobuf/ org/jboss/netty/handler/codec/protobuf/ META-INF/maven/ META-INF/maven/ org/apache/mesos/protobuf/ io/netty/handler/codec/protobuf/ com/google/protobuf/ google/protobuf/ 

Is there something I can do (Maven Shade?) to sort this out?

Similar issue here: Spark java.lang.VerifyError


Turns out this kinda thing is documented here:

Just need to relocate the protobuffers and the VerifyError goes away:


Same solution as Dranxo's but with sbt assembly

assemblyShadeRules in assembly := Seq(   ShadeRule.rename("*" -> "shadedproto.@1").inProject     .inLibrary("" % "protobuf-java" % protobufVersion) ) 
