map::lower_bound() equivalent for python's dict class?

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 01:45:01


I am writing some code that requires me to fetch the lower bound of a key (for simplicity, ignore keys that lie below the smallest key in the collection).

In C++, using std::map (as the most comparable data type) I would simply use the lower_bound() to return the iterator.

My Pythonfoo is not that great, but I am guessing that (in case Python does not already have a way of doing this), this would be a good use of a lambda function ...

What is the Pythonic way of retrieving the lower bound key for a given index?

In case the question is too abstract, this is what I am actually trying to do:

I have a Python dict indexed by date. I want to be able to use a date to look up the dict, and return the value associated with the lowerbound of the specified key.

Snippet follows:

mymap = {, 1, 5): 'foo', , 1, 10): 'foofoo', , 2, 2): 'foobar', , 2, 7): 'foobarbar' }  mydate =, 1, 7)  # fetch lbound key for mydate from mymap def mymap_lbound_key(orig):     pass # return the lbound for the key  

I don't really want to loop through the keys, looking for the first key


Python's dict class doesn't have this functionality; you'd need to write it yourself. It sure would be convenient if the keys were already sorted, wouldn't it, so you could do a binary search on them and avoid iterating over them all? In this vein, I'd have a look at the sorteddict class in the blist package.


if you have date somehow overloaded that it can compare things look into the bisect module.

a minimal integer coding example:

from bisect import bisect_left  data = {     200 : -100,     -50 : 0,     51 : 100,     250 : 200 }  keys = list(data.keys())  print data[  keys[ bisect_left(keys, -79) ]  ] 


Still not sure what the "lower bound" is: The latest date before/after the query date?

Anyway since a dict doesn't impose an inherent order on its keys, you need a different structure. Store your keys in some structure that keeps them sorted and allows fast searches.

The simplest solution would be to just store the dates sorted in a list of (date, value), and do a binary search to zoom in on the region you want. If you need/want better performance, I think a b-tree is what you need.


When I want something that resembles a c++ map, I use SortedDict. You can use irange to get an iterator to a key for which a given key is a lower bound--which I think is how std::lower_bound works.


from sortedcontainers import SortedDict sd = SortedDict() sd[105] = 'a' sd[102] = 'b' sd[101] = 'c'  #SortedDict is sorted on insert, like std::map print(sd)  # sd.irange(minimum=) returns an iterator beginning with the first key not less than  print("min = 100", list(sd.irange(minimum=100))) print("min = 102", list(sd.irange(minimum=102))) print("min = 103", list(sd.irange(minimum=103))) print("min = 106", list(sd.irange(minimum=106))) 


SortedDict(None, 1000, {101: 'c', 102: 'b', 105: 'a'}) min = 100 [101, 102, 105] min = 102 [102, 105] min = 103 [105] min = 106 [] 
