Neo4J SDN- 3.0.0 ExecutingRestAPI.getNodeById is invoced repeatedly

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 01:45:01


I'm using Neo4J-2.0.1 and SDN - 3.0.0.RELEASE.

I have a NodeEntity as follow:

@NodeEntity public class Group {  @GraphId Long id;  @Indexed(unique = true, indexType = IndexType.SIMPLE) public String name;  public String property1;  public String property2;  public Group() { }  public Group(String str) {     name = str; } } 

I have a groups repository :

public interface GroupsRepository extends GraphRepository<Group> {  Group getGroupByName(String name); } 

After the getGroupByName(...) method is invoked, the


method is invoked as the number of the properties that the Group has.

How can I avoid this kind of behaviour?

Are there any additional queries being executed under the hood?


You cannot avoid this behavior at the moment, it loads the dependent entities individually. The REST integration is currently not at all optimized.
