I use LuaForWindows (latest version) and I have read this and this answer and everything i could find in the mailinglist of lua-users.org. What ever I try (most) sites only respond with either 301 or 302. I have created an example batch script which downloads (some) of the OpenGL 2.1 Reference from their man pages.
@ECHO OFF FOR /F "SKIP=5" %%# IN ( %~fs0 ) DO lua -l socket.http -e "print(socket.http.request('https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man2/xhtml/%%#.xml'))" GOTO:EOF glAccum glActiveTexture glAlphaFunc glAreTexturesResident glArrayElement glAttachShader glBegin glBeginQuery glBindAttribLocation glBindBuffer
the most important part is this:
print(require('socket.http').request('https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man2/xhtml/glAccum.xml')) -- added glAccum so you can run it
This ALWAYS returns a 301. This also happens to me when downloading from other random pages. (I dont note them so I cant give a list, but i happened to find out some of them use cloudflare.)
If i write an equivalent downloader in Java using URL and openConnection() it wont redirect.
I already tried folowing the redirect manually (setting refferer and stuff) and using the 'generic' way. As most of the tips stated in other answers.