html2canvas and toDataURL generated image has horizontal line

匿名 (未验证) 提交于 2019-12-03 01:00:01


I am looping through 10-14 html elements, and generating image data in an array for later use for insertion into a PDF. The problem is that these images occasionally have a horizontal line across them, which seems seems to be an existing issue with html2canvas. Happens mostly in FF and IE, and occationally on Chrome, but not as often.

function convertElementsToImages(containerSelector) {     if (_this.pdfDebug) {         window.console.log('convertElementsToImages');         window.console.log(containerSelector);     }      var eles = $(containerSelector + ' > *'),         q = $q.defer(),         temp = [];          //convert to canvas         angular.forEach(eles, function(ele, eleKey) {             convertElementToImage(ele).then(function(imageData) {                 temp[eleKey] = imageData;                  //last one, hopefully all previous elements have been resolved                 if (eles.length === eleKey + 1) {                     q.resolve(temp);                 }             });         });      return q.promise; }  function convertElementToImage(element) {     var q = $q.defer();      html2canvas($(element)[0], { // jshint ignore:line         onrendered: function(canvas) {             q.resolve(canvas.toDataURL('image/jpeg'));         }     });     return q.promise; } 
