I've app that procude&consume message with kafka and protocol buffer and everything works great. I'm serialize the protocol buffer with SerializeAsString()
(this app was written in c++).
Now, I've added new node.js website that also consume messages and try to decode them.
My js code (using the great ProtoBuf.js module):
var builder = ProtoBuf.loadProtoFile("/home/aii/general/proto/All.proto"), protobuf = builder.build("protobuf"), Trace = protobuf.Trace, MessageType = protobuf.MessageType, MessageTypeAck = protobuf.MessageTypeAck, MessageTypeKeepAlive = protobuf.MessageTypeKeepAlive; function getMessageType(val) { return Object.keys(MessageType).filter(function(key) {return MessageType[key] === val})[0] } consumer.on('message', function (message) { try{ switch(getMessageType(message.key[0])) { case 'MESSAGE_TYPE_ACK': console.log(MessageTypeAck.decode(message.value)); break; case 'MESSAGE_TYPE_KEEP_ALIVE': console.log(MessageTypeKeepAlive.decode(message.value)); break; default: console.log("Unknown message type"); } } catch (e){ if (e.decoded) { var err = e.decoded; console.log(err); } else { console.log(e); } } });
[Error: Illegal wire type for field Message.Field .protobuf.MessageTypeAck.sourceModuleID: 1 (0 expected)]
My proto files:
package protobuf; message Trace { optional string topic = 1; optional int32 partition = 2; optional int64 offset = 3; }
package protobuf; enum MessageType { MESSAGE_TYPE_ACK = 1; MESSAGE_TYPE_KEEP_ALIVE = 2; }
import "Trace.proto"; package protobuf; message MessageTypeAck { repeated Trace trace = 1; optional string sourceModuleName = 2; optional int32 sourceModuleID = 3; } message MessageTypeKeepAlive { repeated Trace trace = 1; optional string sourceModuleName = 2; optional int32 sourceModuleID = 3; }
import "Trace.proto" import "MessageType.proto"; import "Messages.proto"
What am I doing wrong? (decode?)