I know there are already at least two same questions asked, but I still can't figure out why I am getting the exception. I need to unit test this method:
void setEyelet(final PdfWriter printPdf, final float posX, final float posY) { InputStream is = WithDefinitions.class.getResourceAsStream(RES_EYELET); //RES_EYELET is a pdf. PdfContentByte canvas = printPdf.getDirectContent(); PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(is); PdfImportedPage page = printPdf.getImportedPage(reader, 1); canvas.addTemplate(page, posX, posY); reader.close(); }
and verify that
canvas.addTemplate(page, posX, posY);
was called.
This method is nested in an another method:
void computeEyelets(final PdfWriter printPdf) { float lineLeft = borderLeft + EYELET_MARGIN; float lineRight = printPdfWidth - borderRight - EYELET_MARGIN - EYELET_SIZE; float lineTop = printPdfHeight - borderTop - EYELET_MARGIN - EYELET_SIZE; float lineBottom = borderBottom + EYELET_MARGIN; float eyeletDistMinH = 20; if (eyeletDistMinH != 0 || eyeletDistMinV != 0) { setEyelet(printPdf, lineLeft, lineBottom); }
And finally my unit test code:
public void computeEyeletsNoMirror() { PdfWriter pdfWriter = Mockito.mock(PdfWriter.class); PdfContentByte pdfContentByte = Mockito.mock(PdfContentByte.class); Mockito.when(pdfWriter.getDirectContent()).thenReturn(pdfContentByte); WithDefinitions withDefinitions = Mockito.mock(WithDefinitions.class); float lineLeft = BORDER_LEFT + EYELET_MARGIN; float lineBottom = BORDER_BOTTOM + EYELET_MARGIN; withDefinitions.setEyeletDistMinH(20); withDefinitions.setEyeletDistMinV(20); withDefinitions.setMirror(false); withDefinitions.computeEyelets(pdfWriter); Mockito.verify(pdfContentByte).addTemplate( Mockito.any(PdfImportedPage.class), Mockito.eq(lineLeft), Mockito.eq(lineBottom) );
I have no final methods, I use mocked pdf writer as a parameter. What do I need else to do to get the test passing?
UPDATE Below is the exception message:
Wanted but not invoked: pdfContentByte.addTemplate( <any>, 62.36221, 62.36221 ); -> at ...tools.pdf.superimpose.WithDefinitionsTest.computeEyeletsNoMirror(WithDefinitionsTest.java:336) Actually, there were zero interactions with this mock.
UPDATE 2 After replacing the mocked WithDefinitions object with the real instance I get the following output:
Argument(s) are different! Wanted: pdfContentByte.addTemplate( <any>, 62.36221, 62.36221 ); -> at ...tools.pdf.superimpose.WithDefinitionsTest.computeEyeletsNoMirror(WithDefinitionsTest.java:336) Actual invocation has different arguments: pdfContentByte.addTemplate( null, 48.18898, 48.18898 ); -> at ...tools.pdf.superimpose.WithDefinitions.setEyelet(WithDefinitions.java:850)