What i want to do
I'm trying to migrate from WildFly 8.2.0 to WildFly 10.0.0 which means that i have (and want) to migrate from Hibernate 4.3 to Hibernate 5.0.
Java 8u40 Spring 4.1.9 SQL Server 2012 Wildfly 8.2.0 -> Wildfly 10.0.0 Hibernate 4.3.6 -> Hibernate 5.0.7
I have read the migration guide and i'm hit by the Naming Strategy changes. I have read many questions about this on SO, but mine seems a bit different. Hibernate complains that tables are not found:
INFO [o.h.Version] HHH000412: Hibernate Core {5.0.7.Final} INFO [o.h.cfg.Environment] HHH000206: hibernate.properties not found INFO [o.h.cfg.Environment] HHH000021: Bytecode provider name : javassist INFO [o.h.annotations.common.Version] HCANN000001: Hibernate Commons Annotations {5.0.1.Final} INFO [o.h.dialect.Dialect] HHH000400: Using dialect: org.hibernate.dialect.SQLServerDialect INFO [o.h.envers.boot.internal.EnversServiceImpl] Envers integration enabled? : true INFO [o.h.validator.internal.util.Version] HV000001: Hibernate Validator 5.2.3.Final INFO [o.h.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaValidator] HHH000229: Running schema validator INFO [o.h.t.s.e.i.InformationExtractorJdbcDatabaseMetaDataImpl] HHH000262: Table not found: SEC_AUTHORIZATION_RULES INFO [o.h.t.s.e.i.InformationExtractorJdbcDatabaseMetaDataImpl] HHH000262: Table not found: SEC_USER More tables not found ... INFO [o.h.hql.internal.QueryTranslatorFactoryInitiator] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 62) HHH000397: Using ASTQueryTranslatorFactory
When i switched to DEBUG logging i saw for example that he is binding the entity to the correct DB table:
DEBUG [o.h.c.a.EntityBinder] Bind entity com.company.user.User on table SEC_USER DEBUG [o.h.c.Ejb3Column] Binding column: Ejb3Column{table=org.hibernate.mapping.Table(SEC_USER), mappingColumn=ID, insertable=true, updatable=true, unique=false}
What is odd to me is that the app works. After this Table not found
s it does not complain that schema is not right. The app works. Selecting, inserting, updating data works.
I have hibernate configured through it's spring-orm abstraction:
@Bean(name = "myEmf") @DependsOn({"dataSource", "flyway"}) public LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean entityManagerFactoryBean() { LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean em = new LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean(); em.setDataSource(dataSource()); em.setPackagesToScan(new String[]{"com.company.**.*"}); em.setJpaVendorAdapter(new HibernateJpaVendorAdapter()); em.setJpaProperties(additionalProperties()); return em; } private Properties additionalProperties() { Properties propFile = propertiesFile(); properties.setProperty("hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto", "validate"); properties.setProperty("hibernate.dialect", "org.hibernate.dialect.SQLServer2012Dialect"); properties.setProperty("hibernate.show_sql", "false"); properties.setProperty("hibernate.format_sql", "true"); properties.setProperty("hibernate.id.new_generator_mappings", "false"); properties.setProperty("hibernate.use_sql_comments", "false"); properties.setProperty("hibernate.implicit_naming_strategy", "legacy-jpa"); return properties; }
In this correspoding entity i have table names and column names named explicitly:
@Entity @Table(name = "SEC_USER") public class User extends BaseEntity { @Column(name = "LOGIN", nullable = false, unique = true) private String login;
- How to make this table not found log messages disappear?
- Why they are appearing if i have table names explicitly named?
- Why is he not complainging about column names?
- Why is he seemingly working correct?
What i have tried
- Upgrading Spring 4.1.9 to 4.2.5 which says he has support for Hibernate 5
- Set hibernate.implicit_naming_strategy to legacy-jpa according to this
Set manually the default schema and assigned the role db_owner. Note i never had to do this before with hibernate 4.
I have debugged hibernate a bit and what i found in the InformationExtractorJdbcDatabaseMetaDataImpl.java that hibernate does not see the catalog (whatever this is) and schema. At leat i think he should see the schema. See screenshot below: catalog and schema are null.