Sybase |
标准 Sybase System 12 (or 12.5) Enterprise Open Client | "Driver={SYBASE ASE ODBC Driver}; Srvr=Aron1; Uid=username; Pwd=password" |
标准 Sybase System 11 | "Driver={SYBASE SYSTEM 11}; Srvr=Aron1; Uid=username; Pwd=password; Database=mydb" |
Intersolv 3.10 | "Driver={INTERSOLV 3.10 32-BIT Sybase}; Srvr=Aron1; Uid=username; Pwd=password;" |
Sybase SQL Anywhere (former Watcom SQL ODBC driver) | "ODBC; Driver=Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.0; DefaultDir=c:\dbfolder\; Dbf=c:\mydatabase.db; Uid=username; Pwd=password; Dsn=""""" |
Adaptive Server Anywhere (ASA) | "Provider=ASAProv; Data source=myASA" |
Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) with Data Source .IDS file | "Provider=Sybase ASE OLE DB Provider; Data source=myASE" |
Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) | "Provider=Sybase.ASEOLEDBProvider; Srvr=myASEserver,5000; Catalog=myDBname; User Id=username; Password=password" - some reports on problem using the above one, try the following as an alternative - "Provider=Sybase.ASEOLEDBProvider; Server Name=myASEserver,5000; Initial Catalog=myDBname; User Id=username; Password=password" This one works only from Open Client 12.5 where the server port number feature works,following fully qualified connection strings to be used without definingfony .IDS Data Source files. |
AseConnection (.NET) |
标准 | "Data Source=‘myASEserver‘; Port=5000; Database=‘myDBname‘; UID=‘username‘; PWD=‘password‘; " |
定义AseConnection连接对象 | C#: using Sybase.Data.AseClient; AseConnection oCon = new AseConnection(); oCon.ConnectionString="my connection string"; oCon.Open(); |
VB.NET: Imports System.Data.AseClient Dim oCon As AseConnection = New AseConnection() oCon.ConnectionString="my connection string" oCon.Open() |
Informix |
Informix 3.30 | "Dsn=‘‘; Driver={INFORMIX 3.30 32 BIT}; Host=hostname; Server=myserver; Service=service-name; Protocol=olsoctcp; Database=mydb; UID=username; PWD=myPwd" |
Informix-CLI 2.5 | "Driver={Informix-CLI 2.5 (32 Bit)}; Server=myserver; Database=mydb; Uid=username; Pwd=myPwd" |
IBM Informix OLE DB Provider | "Provider=Ifxoledbc.2; password=myPw; User ID=myUser; Data Source=dbName@serverName; Persist Security Info=true" |
Ingres |
DSN-less | "Provider=MSDASQL.1; DRIVER=Ingres; SRVR=xxxxx; DB=xxxxx; Persist Security Info=False; uid=xxxx; pwd=xxxxx; SELECTLOOPS=N; Extended Properties="""SERVER=xxxxx; DATABASE=xxxxx; SERVERTYPE=INGRES"" |
Mimer SQL |
标准安全 | "Driver={MIMER}; Database=mydb; Uid=myuser; Pwd=mypw; " |
提示输入用户名和密码 | "Driver={MIMER}; Database=mydb;" |
Lightbase |
标准 |
PostgreSQL |
Core Labs PostgreSQLDirect (.NET) |
标准 | "User ID=root; Password=pwd; Host=localhost; Port=5432; Database=testdb; Pooling=true; Min Pool Size=0; Max Pool Size=100; Connection Lifetime=0" |
PostgreSQL driver |
标准 | "DRIVER={PostgreSQL}; SERVER=ipaddress; port=5432; DATABASE=dbname; UID=username; PWD=password; " |
Npgsql by pgFoundry (.NET) |
SSL activated | "Server=; Port=5432; Userid=myuserid; password=mypw; Protocol=3; SSL=true; Pooling=true; MinPoolSize=3; MaxPoolSize=20; Encoding=UNICODE; Timeout=20; SslMode=Require" |
Without SSL | "Server=; Port=5432; Userid=myuserid; password=mypw; Protocol=3; SSL=false; Pooling=true; MinPoolSize=1; MaxPoolSize=20; Encoding=UNICODE; Timeout=15; SslMode=Disable" |
Paradox |
5.X | "Driver={Microsoft Paradox Driver (*.db )}; DriverID=538; Fil=Paradox 5.X; DefaultDir=c:\pathToDb\; Dbq=c:\pathToDb\; CollatingSequence=ASCII" |
7.X | "Provider=MSDASQL.1; Persist Security Info=False; Mode=Read; Extended Properties=‘DSN=Paradox; DBQ=C:\myDb; DefaultDir=C:\myDb; DriverId=538; FIL=Paradox 7.X; MaxBufferSize=2048; PageTimeout=600; ‘; Initial Catalog=C:\myDb" |
OleDbConnection (.NET) |
标准 | "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=c:\myDb; Extended Properties=Paradox 5.x;" |
DSN | "DSN=myDsn; Uid=username; Pwd=; " |
File DSN | "FILEDSN=c:\myData.dsn; Uid=username; Pwd=;" |