随笔分类 - HALCON学习例程中文详解
摘要: 跟我学机器视觉-HALCON学习例程中文详解-测量圆环脚宽间距* This example program demonstrates the basic usage of a circular measure object.* Here, the task is to determine the width of the cogs.*首先读取图像,获取图像的宽度和高度 * First, read in the image and initialize the program.read_image (Image, 'rings_and_nuts')dev_close_window阅读全文
摘要: 跟我学机器视觉-HALCON学习例程中文详解-开关引脚测量* This example program demonstrates the basic usage of a measure object.* Here, the task is to determine the width of and the distance between the* pins of a switch.*本例程演示了如何使用测量工具测量开关的引脚宽度和间距 * First, read in the image and initialize the program.************************阅读全文
摘要: 跟我学机器视觉-HALCON学习例程中文详解-QQ摄像头读取条码第一步:插入QQ摄像头,安装好驱动(有的可能免驱动)第二步:打开HDevelop,点击助手―打开新的Image Acquisition―选中图像获取接口(I),然后点击检测,找到摄像头。如下图:![]( 第三步:点击连接,将颜色空间设置为gray,然后点击实时,此时图像窗口中将显示采集到的图像,将物体放置到摄像头前,位置调至条码清晰。如下图:![](http://images.cnitblog.com阅读全文
摘要: 跟我学机器视觉-HALCON学习例程中文详解-IC引脚测量* Lead Measurement: Example for the application of the measure object* including a lot of visualization operators.* First, the length of the leads is measured, then, their width and distance from each other.* First, read in the image and initialize the programread_image 阅读全文
摘要: 跟我学机器视觉-HALCON学习例程中文详解-FUZZY检测用于开关引脚测量* This example program demonstrates the basic usage of a fuzzy measure object.* Here, the task is to determine the width of and the distance between the* pins of a switch.** First, read in the image and initialize the program.***********************打开图像,获取图像宽度,高阅读全文
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