lance, a simple version of the vulnerability detection framework based on Python3.
基于Python3的简单版漏洞检测框架 -- lance
可以自定义poc或exp插件,可以 指定 要加载的poc或exp。
代码已经上传到Github : https://github.com/b4zinga/lance
def loadPlugin(url, poc=None): """load all plugins. """ if "://" not in url: url = "http://" + url url = url.strip("/") logger.info("Target url: %s" % url) plugin_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))),"plugins") if not os.path.isdir(plugin_path): logger.warning("%s is not a directory! " % plugin_path) raise EnvironmentError logger.info("Plugin path: %s " % plugin_path) items = os.listdir(plugin_path) if poc: logger.infxito("Loading %s plugins." % poc) else: poc="" for item in items: if item.endswith(".py") and not item.startswith(‘__‘): plugin_name = item[:-3] if poc in plugin_name: logger.info("Loading plugin: %s" % plugin_name) module = importlib.import_module("plugins." + plugin_name) try: result = module.run(url) if result: logger.success(result) else: logger.error("Not Vulnerable %s " % plugin_name) except: logger.warning("ConnectionError ") else: continue logger.info("Finished")
please run python3 lance.py -h
for help.
root@kali:~/lance# python3 lance.py usage: python lance.py lance. By b4zinga@outlook.com optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit Target: -u URL target url. Module: -m module poc or exp to be loaded. defaul is all.
说明文档 : https://github.com/b4zinga/lance/blob/master/README.md
Guide : https://github.com/b4zinga/lance/blob/master/docs/Guide.md
Change Log
ChangeLog : https://github.com/b4zinga/lance/blob/master/docs/ChangeLog.md
2018/07/20 - 添加logging模块,支持日志 - 添加彩色输出(目前支持Linux下Py3,Win下的Py3暂不支持颜色) 2018/07/18 - 程序基本功能实现, 可以运行 - 可以实现`-u URL`指定URl, `-m plugin`指定只加载含有"plugin"关键字的插件, 如"weblogic"
TODO list
TODOList : https://github.com/b4zinga/lance/blob/master/docs/TODOList.md
[] 添加多线程
[x] 终端颜色区分结果
[x] 添加日志
[] more...
Any advice or sugggestions
Please mail to b4zinga@outlook.com
if you have poc or exp , mail me.
lance │ lance.py │ README.md │ ├―docs │ ChangeLog.md │ Guide.md │ screenshot1.png │ screenshot2.png │ TODOList.md │ ├―lib │ ansistrm.py │ cli.py │ cmdline.py │ convert.py │ data.py │ loader.py │ log.py │ __init__.py │ └―plugins activemq_movefile.py activemq_putfile.py activemq_weakpwd.py discuz_faqsql.py elasticSearch_dir_traversal.py elasticSearch_dir_traversal2.py elasticSearch_remote_code_exec.py elasticSearch_remote_code_exec2.py redis_unauth.py struts2_053.py weblogic_ssrf.py weblogic_weakpasswd.py weblogic_xmldecoder.py __init__.py
代码已经上传到Github : https://github.com/b4zinga/lance