Paired JAR and native library binaries for SVN Java bindings (JavaHL) on Windows?

北城余情 提交于 2019-12-01 18:40:12
Ben Reser

The WANdisco binaries should have JavaHL in them.

Been a while since I used them myself (don't typically use Windows). But WANdisco has tools that depend on JavaHL so I can't imagine the Windows binaries are missing JavaHL.

[Question author edit to complete detail]

You need to install the (Windows) Subversion client (not SmartSVN), and make sure you check the box to add it to the Windows PATH. This stores the 'paired' JAR in the install directory (along with the native libraries). However, WANDisco only provide a 32-bit install (see this forum post) so this won't work on 64-bit Windows. In addition, the JAR only includes the Apache versions of the API, which were added for Subversion 1.7. If you're using the legacy org.tigris.subversion.javahl package API for compatibility with pre-1.7 SVN clients, you still need to build the JAR manually.
