I'm using RODBC package to connect to Oracle databases from R but I didn't succeed in merging tables from different databases without "downloading" the tables (I don't want to download them as they are too big!). I'd like to use something like:
sqldf("select a.year, sum(b.var) as sumVar
from sqlFetch(DBa,'tableA') a
sqlFetch(DBb,'tableB') b
where a.ID=b.ID
group by a.year")
If someone has an idea, it would be really helpful! Many thanks in advance.
This question is similar to the question here. The answer seems to be that RODBC cannot access two different databases in a single query, using sqlQuery(...)
, because the connection (channel) is database-specific. So either
(1) do it using downloads (as in your code), or
(2) have your DBA put both tables in a single database, or
(3) use something other than R.
In Netezza it is working fine using sqlQuery function.
ch <- odbcConnect("NZSQL")
dim.cust.acc1 <- sqlQuery(ch,"Select * from DB1..DIM_ACCOUNT a inner join DB2..BASE_201707 b on a.id_number=b.id_number limit 1000",believeNRows = FALSE)