Using 1.4.1 of BreezeJS we found that some new code added to Isolate ES5 Properties is causing IE 8 to have the following error:
Error getting metadata: Metadata import failed for breeze/breeze/Metadata; Unable to process returned metadata:Object doesn't support property or method 'getPrototypeOf'
We tried using both Uber Proto's getPrototypeOf (https://github.com/daffl/uberproto) and es5-sham (https://github.com/kriskowal/es5-shim) but both result with the same issue.
We also tried removing the regular json.parse and using json2's version with the same results.
Metadata import failed for /breeze/breeze/Metadata; Unable to process returned metadata:Out of stack space
Chrome, Firefox, and IE 9+ work without issue, but IE 8 support is required. We can comment out the line to get it to work:
// isolateES5Props(proto);
But I'm guessing that will cause issues somewhere down the line.
This should be fixed in Breeze v 1.4.2, available now.