I'm dealing with a large private /8 network and need to enumerate all webservers which are listening on port 443 and have a specific version stated in their HTTP HEADER response.
First I was thinking to run nmap
with connect scans and grep myself through the output files, but this turned out to throw many false-positives where nmap
stated a port to be "filtered" while it actually was "open" (used connect scans: nmap -sT -sV -Pn -n -oA foo -p 443
So now I was thinking to script something with bash and curl
- pseudo code would be like:
for each IP in
curl --head https://{IP}:443 | grep -iE "(Server\:\ Target)" > {IP}_info.txt;
As I'm not that familiar with bash I'm not sure how to script this properly - I would have to:
- loop through all IPs
- make sure that only X threats run in parallel
- ideally cut the output to only note down the IP of the matching host in one single file
- ideally make sure that only matching server versions are noted down
Any suggestion or pointing into a direction is highly appreciated.
Small Scale - iterate
for a smaller IP address span it would probably be recommended to iterate like this:
for ip in 192.168.1.{1..10}; do ...
As stated in this similar question.
Big Scale - parallel !
Given that your problem deals with a huge IP address span you should probably consider a different approach.
This begs for the use of gnu parallel.
Parallel iterating a big span of IP addresses in bash using gnu parallel requires splitting the logic to several files (for the parallel command to use).
set -e
function ip_to_int()
local IP="$1"
local A=$(echo $IP | cut -d. -f1)
local B=$(echo $IP | cut -d. -f2)
local C=$(echo $IP | cut -d. -f3)
local D=$(echo $IP | cut -d. -f4)
local INT
INT=$(expr 256 "*" 256 "*" 256 "*" $A)
INT=$(expr 256 "*" 256 "*" $B + $INT)
INT=$(expr 256 "*" $C + $INT)
INT=$(expr $D + $INT)
echo $INT
function int_to_ip()
local INT="$1"
local D=$(expr $INT % 256)
local C=$(expr '(' $INT - $D ')' / 256 % 256)
local B=$(expr '(' $INT - $C - $D ')' / 65536 % 256)
local A=$(expr '(' $INT - $B - $C - $D ')' / 16777216 % 256)
echo "$A.$B.$C.$D"
set -e
source ip2int
if [[ $# -ne 1 ]]; then
echo "Usage: $(basename "$0") ip_address_number"
exit 1
CONNECT_TIMEOUT=2 # in seconds
IP_ADDRESS="$(int_to_ip ${1})"
set +e
data=$(curl --head -vs -m ${CONNECT_TIMEOUT} https://${IP_ADDRESS}:443 2>&1)
data=$(echo -e "${data}" | grep "Server: ")
# wasn't sure what are you looking for in your servers
set -e
if [[ ${exit_code} -eq 0 ]]; then
if [[ -n "${data}" ]]; then
echo "${IP_ADDRESS} - ${data}"
echo "${IP_ADDRESS} - Got empty data for server!"
echo "${IP_ADDRESS} - no server."
set -e
source ip2int
NUM_OF_ADDRESSES="16777216" # 256 * 256 * 256
start_address_num=$(ip_to_int ${START_ADDRESS})
end_address_num=$(( start_address_num + NUM_OF_ADDRESSES ))
seq ${start_address_num} ${end_address_num} | parallel -P0 ./scan_ip
# This parallel call does the same as this:
# for ip_num in $(seq ${start_address_num} ${end_address_num}); do
# ./scan_ip ${ip_num}
# done
# only a LOT faster!
Improvement from the iterative approach:
The run time of the naive for loop (which is estimated to take 200 days for 256*256*256 addresses) was improved to under a day according to @skrskrskr.
mycurl() {
curl --head https://${1}:443 | grep -iE "(Server\:\ Target)" > ${1}_info.txt;
export -f mycurl
parallel -j0 --tag mycurl {1}.{2}.{3}.{4} ::: {10..10} ::: {0..255} ::: {0..255} ::: {0..255}
Slightly different using --tag instead of many _info.txt-files:
parallel -j0 --tag curl --head https://{1}.{2}.{3}.{4}:443 ::: {10..10} ::: {0..255} ::: {0..255} ::: {0..255} | grep -iE "(Server\:\ Target)" > info.txt
Fan out to run more than 500 in parallel:
parallel echo {1}.{2}.{3}.{4} ::: {10..10} ::: {0..255} ::: {0..255} ::: {0..255} | \
parallel -j100 --pipe -N1000 --load 100% --delay 1 parallel -j250 --tag -I ,,,, curl --head https://,,,,:443 | grep -iE "(Server\:\ Target)" > info.txt
This will spawn up to 100*250 jobs, but will try to find the optimal number of jobs where there is no idle time for any of the CPUs. On my 8 core system that is 7500. Make sure you have RAM enough to run the potential max (25000 in this case).