Where is Blizzards official World of Warcraft API?

六月ゝ 毕业季﹏ 提交于 2019-12-01 15:57:45

No. They do not allow any "outside" software to interact with the game's executable environment. Google "wow glider lawsuit" to find out more.

Blizzard has now released a Community API that allows you to fetch information directly from the Blizzard Services; such as Realm Status, Player and Auction data.


I don't think that this was what the original question was intended for, but I think this can help other people searching for similar information.

Depends on what you are trying to do, here's the wiki on it


I know its an old threat and I dont know if you still want the API but here is the new api.

All documentation: http://blizzard.github.com/api-wow-docs/ use api like eu.battle.net/api/wow/character/realmname/charactername?fields=All-parameters-found-in-documentation-and-they-are-comma-seperated

Thats should do the trick ;)

Take a look at the wow armoury - you can consume wow related data. The page on armoury is XML transformed into a web page via XLST.

But if you request the page and look at the source, you will see a nice XML file - perfect for making rest based queries against.
