How to moq a Func

跟風遠走 提交于 2019-12-01 15:15:29


Trying to unit test a class whose constructor takes in a Func. Not sure how to mock it using Moq.

public class FooBar
    public FooBar(Func<IFooBarProxy> fooBarProxyFactory)
        _fooBarProxyFactory = fooBarProxyFactory;

public void A_Unit_Test()
    var nope = new Mock<Func<IFooBarProxy>>();
    var nope2 = new Func<Mock<IFooBarProxy>>();

    var fooBar = new FooBar(nope.Object);
    var fooBar2 = new FooBar(nope2.Object);

    // what's the syntax???


figured it out

public interface IFooBarProxy
    int DoProxyStuff();

public class FooBar
    private Func<IFooBarProxy> _fooBarProxyFactory;

    public FooBar(Func<IFooBarProxy> fooBarProxyFactory)
        _fooBarProxyFactory = fooBarProxyFactory;

    public int DoStuff()
        var newProxy = _fooBarProxyFactory();
        return newProxy.DoProxyStuff();

public class Fixture
    public void A_Unit_Test()
        Func<IFooBarProxy> funcFooBarProxy = () =>
            var mock = new Mock<IFooBarProxy>();
            mock.Setup(x => x.DoProxyStuff()).Returns(2);
            return mock.Object;
        var fooBar = new FooBar(funcFooBarProxy);

        var result = fooBar.DoStuff();
        Assert.AreEqual(2, result);

