Unable to trigger SonarLint Analysis on whole Project

ⅰ亾dé卋堺 提交于 2019-12-01 14:18:28


I have installed the latest sonarLint plugins with Intellij 2016.1.2. Analyze on the fly works fine. However, I can't find in the IntelliJ "Analyze" tab any "Analyze with SonarLint". In the SonarLint window>issues tab, I can only see scope "current file" or "opened files". I don't see any Project scope. So my question is how to trigger the analysis on my whole project ?


Since SonarLint v2.8, it's possible to analyze all files in the project.

Open the SonarLint Tool Window, go to the Project files tab, and click in the "play" button. There is also an action to which you can assign a shortcut.

More information here: https://www.sonarlint.org/intellij/howto.html


The easiest two ways to do project analyze:

  1. Choose Analyze | Analyze with SonarLint
  2. Press Ctrl + Shift + S


they stated many times that their intent is to support only new issue being introduced running an on-fly analysis on files being changed. If you wanna run a full analysis you should use the SonarQubeCommunity plugin or visit your remote Sonar Server. If you wanna gather only coverage information within your IDE, use the Jacoco plugin. However there is an open feature request to browse those issues directly in the SonarLint plugin: https://jira.sonarsource.com/browse/SLE-54

Yes, that screenshot is confusing, but that feature was previously available.


Since version 2.8 analysis of all files in the project is possible.


As @Duarte - SonarSource Team suggests Sonar-Lint has a different purpose. It is intended to use to analyze for code changes in current file(s). i.e. it cannot perform analysis which needs to compare 2 files. (ex: finding duplicates, coverage etc.)

For your purpose that best way to achieve is running SonarQube with preview mode.

