True ,任意非零数值,非空的字符串,列表,元组或字典都将返回True。
布尔表达式从左至右进行求值,而且只有在需要时才会计算右边的操作数。例如表达式a and b,只有当a为True时才会计算b。这有时称为短路求值。
In [2]: [1,2,3]+[4,5,6] 连接两个列表 Out[2]: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
In [3]: (1,2,3)+(4,) 连接两个元组 Out[3]: (1, 2, 3, 4)
In [4]: '1234'+'asdf' 连接两个字符串 Out[4]: '1234asdf'
In [5]: True+3 #True=1 Out[5]: 4
In [6]: False*3 #False=0 Out[6]: 0 In [7]: [1,2,3]*3 Out[7]: [1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3] In [8]: (1,2,3)*3 Out[8]: (1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3) In [9]: 'asdf'*3 Out[9]: 'asdfasdfasdf'
(3)/ 除 //算术求整商
In [10]: 3/2 Out[10]: 1.5 In [11]: 12//5 Out[11]: 2 In [12]: 12.0//5 Out[12]: 2.0 In [13]: -12//5 向下取整,例如5*(-3)+3=-12 5*(-2)-2=-12 Out[13]: -3 In [14]: -12/5 Out[14]: -2.4
(4)% 余数运算和字符串格式化 格式化不熟,另行整理下
In [15]: 10%3 Out[15]: 1 In [16]: 10.0%3 Out[16]: 1.0 In [17]: '%c,%d'%(65,65) Out[17]: 'A,65' In [18]: '%f,%s'%(66,68) Out[18]: '66.000000,68'
(5)** 幂乘 等于pow()
In [20]: 3**3 Out[20]: 27 In [21]: pow(3,3) Out[21]: 27 In [22]: pow(3,3,10) 3**3%10 Out[22]: 7 In [23]: 9**0.5 Out[23]: 3.0
In [24]: 1<2<4 Out[24]: True In [25]: {1,2,3}<{1,2,3,4} Out[25]: True In [26]: [2,3,4]<[1,2,3,4] Out[26]: False In [27]: [2,3,4]<[2,3,4,5] Out[27]: True In [28]: [1,2,3]<[1,2,4] Out[28]: True In [29]: {2,3,4}<{2,3,4,5} Out[29]: True In [30]: (1,2,3)<(1,2,3,4) Out[30]: True In [31]: (2,3,4)<(1,2,3,4) Out[31]: False In [33]: (1,2,3)==(3,2,1) 元组,列表是有顺序的,集合时没有顺序的 Out[33]: False In [34]: [1,2,3]==[3,2,1] Out[34]: False In [35]: {1,2,3}=={3,2,1} Out[35]: True
三,in 成员测试运算符 is 同一性测试运算符
In [36]: 3 in {1,2,3} Out[36]: True In [37]: 3 in [1,2,3] Out[37]: True In [38]: 3 in (1,2,3) Out[38]: True In [39]: 'as' in 'asdf' Out[39]: True In [40]: x=[1,2,3] In [41]: y=[1,2,3] In [42]: x is y 如果两个对象是同一个,两者具有相同的内存地址 Out[42]: False In [43]: x==y Out[43]: True In [44]: x[1] is y[1] Out[44]: True In [45]: x[1]==y[1] Out[45]: True
In [46]: x=[123,123,123] In [47]: x[0] is x[1] 基于值的内存管理,用一个值在内存中只有一份 Out[47]: True In [48]: x[1]==x[2] Out[48]: True
In [49]: x=[1,2,3] In [50]: y=x x和y指向同一个对象 In [51]: y is x Out[51]: True In [52]: x.append(100) In [53]: x Out[53]: [1, 2, 3, 100] In [54]: y Out[54]: [1, 2, 3, 100] 对x进行操作会对y造成同样的影响
In [55]: {1,2,3}|{3,4,5} 去重求并集 Out[55]: {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} In [56]: {1,2,3}&{3,4,5} 求交集 Out[56]: {3} In [57]: {1,2,3}^{3,4,5} 对称差集 Out[57]: {1, 2, 4, 5} In [58]: {2,3,4}-{2,6,7} 差集 Out[58]: {3, 4}
五,逻辑运算符 not and or
In [59]: 3>5 and a>7 没有定义a 记住短路规则 Out[59]: False In [60]: 3>5 or a>7 Traceback (most recent call last): File "<ipython-input-60-6dac9f78ce10>", line 1, in <module> 3>5 or a>7 NameError: name 'a' is not defined In [61]: 3<5 or a>7 Out[61]: True In [62]: 3 and 5 短路规则 Out[62]: 5 In [63]: 3 or 5 Out[63]: 3 In [64]: 3 not in [1,2,3] not的计算结果只能是True或者False Out[64]: False In [65]: not 3 Out[65]: False In [66]: not [] Out[66]: True