LVITEM for windows 64 bit

喜你入骨 提交于 2019-12-01 11:35:47

Thanks to the comment by Raymond Chen I was able to figure out the answer!

It's about data alignment. Every pointer should be 8 bytes and should also be aligned to an address that can be divided by 8, so sometimes there should be a padding before the pointer. Also, the size of the struct should be dividable by min(max(sizeof(each field in the struct)), 8) which is 8 in our case since the size of a pointer is 8.

class LVITEMW_explicit(ctypes.Structure):
    _pack_ = 1
    _fields_ = [
        ('mask', c_uint32),         # 0
        ('iItem', c_int32),         # 4
        ('iSubItem', c_int32),      # 8
        ('state', c_uint32),        # 12
        ('stateMask', c_uint32),    # 16
        ('padding1', c_int),
        ('pszText', c_uint64),      # 20 --> 24 after padding (A pointer)
        ('cchTextMax', c_int32),    # 32
        ('iImage', c_int32),        # 36
        ('lParam', c_uint64),       # 40 (On 32 bit should be c_long which is 32 bits)
        ('iIndent', c_int32),       # 48
        ('iGroupId', c_int32),      # 52
        ('cColumns', c_uint32),     # 56
        ('padding2', c_int),
        ('puColumns', c_uint64),    # 60 --> 64 after padding (A pointer)
        ('piColFmt', c_int64),      # 72 (A pointer)
        ('iGroup', c_int32),        # 80
        ('padding3', c_int32),      # The total length was 84 before padding3 was added, which is not dividable by 8

Or as this should really be written - without the _pack_ = 1:

class LVITEMW(ctypes.Structure):
    _fields_ = [
        ('mask', c_uint32),
        ('iItem', c_int32),
        ('iSubItem', c_int32),
        ('state', c_uint32),
        ('stateMask', c_uint32),
        ('pszText', c_uint64),
        ('cchTextMax', c_int32),
        ('iImage', c_int32),
        ('lParam', c_uint64), # On 32 bit should be c_long
        ('iIndent', c_int32),
        ('iGroupId', c_int32),
        ('cColumns', c_uint32),
        ('puColumns', c_uint64),
        ('piColFmt', c_int64),
        ('iGroup', c_int32),

And indeed ctypes.sizeof(LVITEMW) returns 88, same as ctypes.sizeof(LVITEMW_explicit).

Thanks again for the helpful comments!
