Colouring scheme in networkD3 vs igraph

随声附和 提交于 2019-12-01 10:13:22


I have a network where I have characterised each of the nodes with previous analysis- and have assigned the colours as follows:

plot.igraph(g, layout=layout.fruchterman.reingold(g), vertex.color=node_colors, vertex.label = node_names)

The variable 'node_colors' is a vector that was made from previous analysis so that the colours would coincide with the vertex placement/ clustering.

However when I try to implement a personalised colouring scheme in networkD3, I get an 'unused argument' error:

data<-igraph_to_networkD3(g, group = members)
forceNetwork(Links = data$links, Nodes = data$nodes, Source = 'source', Target = 'target', NodeID = 'value', Nodesize = 'size', Group = "group", colourScale=node_colors, zoom = T, legend = T, opacityNoHover = TRUE)

Error: Warning: Error in forceNetwork: unused argument (colorScale = node_colors)

NetworkD3 seems to just create it's own colouring scheme... so when I omit the argument: 'colorScale=node_colors', I get the following:

But as you can see the colours are not synced with that of the igraph plot.

Does anyone know how to create a personalised colouring scheme (vector containing a series of colours) in networkD3


You can pass Javascript code through with the JS() function that comes with the networkD3 package. In Javascript, you can use hex code to specify colors. Here is an example:

YourColors <- 'd3.scaleOrdinal().range([ "#FFA500", "#4169E1",  "#32CD32",
                                         "#FFC0CB", "#8A2BE2", "#FF6347"]);'

forceNetwork(Links = data$links, Nodes = data$nodes, 
             Source = 'source', Target = 'target', 
             NodeID = 'value', Nodesize = 'size', Group = "group",
             colourScale = JS(YourColors), 
             zoom = T, legend = T, opacityNoHover = TRUE)

If you want to tie specific colors to specific variables, you can use

    YourColors <- 'd3.scaleOrdinal()
                  .domain(["variable1", "variable2", "variable3"])
                  .range(["#7FFF00", "#A52A2A", "#E6E6FA"])'

