Python - pythoncom.com_error handling in Python 3.2.2

一笑奈何 提交于 2019-12-01 09:15:26

You simply need to use the modern except-as syntax, I think:

import pythoncom
import win32com
import win32com.client

location = 'fred'
except pythoncom.com_error as error:
    print (error)
    print (vars(error))
    print (error.args)
    hr,msg,exc,arg = error.args

which produces

(-2147221020, 'Invalid syntax', None, None)
{'excepinfo': None, 'hresult': -2147221020, 'strerror': 'Invalid syntax', 'argerror': None}
(-2147221020, 'Invalid syntax', None, None)

for me [although I'm never sure whether the args order is really what it looks like, so I'd probably refer to the keys explicitly; someone else may know for sure.]

I use this structure (Python 3.5) --

try: ... except Exception as e: print ("error in level argument", e) ... else: ...
