I have a NSCollectionView based master-detail interface, where I want to display Boards in the master and Lists+Cards in the detail view.
, holds a NSMutableArray
property lists
of type List
, holds a NSArray
property cards
of type Card
, has a NSString
property name
The relationship is thus Board --> to-many List --> to-many Card
The master interface is fine.
The detail interface gets populated with corresponding Lists' titles for a Board. Within the detail interface I also want to populate a NSPopupButton with the cards for every list.
Problem: the NSPopupButton is empty.
Output: [<__NSArrayI 0x60000007b240> addObserver:forKeyPath:options:context:] is not supported. Key path: name
So after reading KVO, KVC and the Bindings documentation I am not sure if I need to do manual KVO for this sort of hierarchical model. Also the output hints that the name property is not KVC/KVO compliant, but it's just a NSString?
Do you suggest using an NSTreeController for this?
Bindings are setup like so:
BoardArrayController -> bound to File's owner
- ** Model key path: boards
ListArrayController -> bound to BoardArrayController
- ** Controller key: arrangedObjects
- ** Model key path: lists
- ** Mode: Class
CardArrayController -> bound to ListArrayController
- ** Controller key: arranged Objects
- ** Model key path: cards
- ** Mode: Class
The NSPopupButton has
- Controller key for Content: arrangedObjects
- Controller key for Content Value: arrangedObjects and model key path: name
Suggestions please
If I understand properly, in the master interface, the user selects a Board. Then, the detail interface should show the selected Board's lists. If so, the ListArrayController
should be bound to BoardArrayController
, controller key selection
(not arrangedObjects
), model key path lists
Similarly, the CardArrayController
should be bound to ListArrayController
, controller key selection
, model key path cards
. Although it's not clear to me if the user has to first select a List and then sees a pop-up with that List's cards or if the pop-up is present in each item in the second collection view. If that's the case, then you'll need a separate array controller for each item, which is easiest if the item view is in a separate NIB.
If each list
is the representedObject
for each view item in the collection view, then you can populate each popupButton with a readonly
NSArray property dependent upon the cards
array that is in each list
. In the List
class add arrangedCards as a property.
- (NSArray *)arrangedCards
return [[self valueForKey:@"cards"] sortedArrayUsingDescriptors:
[self arrangedCardsSortDescriptors]];
Use the sort you want for the popup. This arranges by name
- (NSArray *)arrangedCardsSortDescriptors
NSSortDescriptor *sortByName = [[NSSortDescriptor alloc] initWithKey:
@"name" ascending:YES];
return @[sortByName];
Bind the Content of the popup to the NSCollectionViewItem.
Model Key Path is representedObject.arrangedCards
Use representedObject.arrangedCards.name
as the Content Values.