Spark: difference when read in .gz and .bz2

坚强是说给别人听的谎言 提交于 2019-12-01 07:35:27
    However, if I read in one single .bz2, would I still get one single giant partition?   
Or will Spark support automatic split one .bz2 to multiple partitions?

If you specify n partitions to read a bzip2 file, Spark will spawn n tasks to read the file in parallel. The default value of n is set to sc.defaultParallelism. The number of partitions is the second argument in the call to textFile (docs).

. one giant .gz file will read in to a single partition.

Please note that you can always do a


to get the desired number of partitions after the file has been read.

Also, how do I know how many partitions it would be while Hadoop read in it from one bz2 file.

That would be yourRDD.partitions.size for the scala api or yourRDD.getNumPartitions() for the python api.


I don't know why my test-program run on one executor, after some test I think I get it, like that:

by pySpark

// Load a DataFrame of users. Each line in the file is a JSON 

// document, representing one row.

val sqlContext = new org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext(sc)

val user ="users.json.bz2")