Error Rendering control - [A] cannot be cast to [B] in the context LoadNeither

◇◆丶佛笑我妖孽 提交于 2019-12-01 06:31:09

In order to make this work you'll need to put the control project and the test project in two different solutions. The problem is unique to issues where you have to debug another running instance of Visual Studio. You'll see this if you work on Visual Studio add-ins, too.

Try deleting both folders:

C:\Documents and Settings\Mark\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\VisualStudio\9.0\ProjectAssemlies\j-wxrc_j01    
C:\Documents and Settings\Mark\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\VisualStudio\9.0\ProjectAssemlies\bkqrbe-r01

... and letting visual studio generates what it needs.

That worked for me.
