How to format kable table when knit from .rmd to Word (with bookdown)

谁说胖子不能爱 提交于 2019-12-01 06:23:57


The conversion to word is made via pandoc. Currently pandoc only creates four type of tables,

  • simple tables
  • multiline_tables
  • grid_tables
  • pipe_tables

Some of those supported formats are demontrated in pander and in the pandoc manual p 35-39.

So you cannot create the stripped table currently with pandoc.

You also have a good summary of how you can use tables in rmarkdown.rstudio.

Pandoc v2

see the good news from David below

This was not possible but since pandoc V2 is out, you can do it with package flextable (>= 0.4.0)(and pandoc V2). Below the code you should add into a code chunk:


tab_1_curr <- structure(list(myRegion = c("a", "b", "c", "BRITISH COLUMBIA"
 ), Current_Perc_1 = c(85.9, 90.8, 89.7, 88.4), Current_Perc_2 = c(88, 
 91, 89, 89.3), curr_change_1_to_2 = c(2.09999999999999, 0.200000000000003, 
 -0.700000000000003, 0.9)), .Names = c("myRegion", "Current_Perc_1", 
 "Current_Perc_2", "curr_change_1_to_2"), row.names = c(NA, 4L
 ), class = "data.frame")

regulartable(tab_1_curr) %>% 
  bold(i = ~ myRegion %in% "BRITISH COLUMBIA") %>% 
  theme_zebra() %>% 

The huxtable package is available. It includes similar table customization tools as kableExtra. huxtable is designed to output to LaTeX/PDF and HTML (similar to kableExtra). However, huxtable also includes a as_flextable function to convert a huxtable object to a flextable object, which can be output to Word (as noted by David above). After a lot of searching, it seems to me like huxtable is the only available package that can easily output to all of Word, HTML, and PDF with a single package.
