How to create open-ended slot in lex

Deadly 提交于 2019-12-01 06:00:28


I'd like to create a notes/feedback field in my Lex bot, but it appears difficult to do.

It seems like AMAZON.LITERAL used to do this, and current suggestions are to create a custom slot and pump a bunch of random data into it ( - bullet point 3 and other googles).

Is this the best way to do it? Does anyone know of any examples or methods to better show how this can be done?


In my case, feeding random data to the slot did not work. It used to capture only a part of input for the slot or most of the time it assigns NULL to the slot.

To solve this problem, I just made a slot without any data and in the DialogCodeHook I assigned the inputTranscript data into the slot.

slots = intent_request['currentIntent']['slots']
slots['your_slot'] = intent_request['inputTranscript']

Please comment/answer if you find a better way to do this.

