Is it possible to use junction to match any of the values in a junction? I want to match any of the values in an array. What is the proper way to do it?
lisprog$ perl6
To exit type 'exit' or '^D'
> my @a=<a b c>
[a b c]
> any(@a)
any(a, b, c)
> my $x=any(@a)
any(a, b, c)
> my $y = "a 1"
a 1
> say $y ~~ m/ $x /
> say $y ~~ m/ "$x" /
> my $x = any(@a).Str
any("a", "b", "c")
> say $y ~~ m/ $x /
> say $y ~~ m/ || $x /
> say $y ~~ m/ || @a /
Thanks !!
Junctions are not meant to be interpolated into regexes. They're meant to be used in normal Perl 6 expressions, particularly with comparison operators (such as eq
my @a = <x y z>;
say "y" eq any(@a); # any(False, True, False)
say so "y" eq any(@a); # True
To match any of the values of an array in a regex, simply write the name of the array variable (starting with @
) in the regex. By default, this is interpreted as an |
alternation ("longest match"), but you can also specify it to be a ||
alternation ("first match"):
my @a = <foo bar barkeep>;
say "barkeeper" ~~ / @a /; # 「barkeep」
say "barkeeper" ~~ / || @a /; # 「bar」