how to ignore LNK2005 & LNK1169?

青春壹個敷衍的年華 提交于 2019-12-01 05:23:39

You may try the linker-option /FORCE (Force File Output in the Linker General tab of the Project Properties). This will force the linker to create a exe/dll even when such errors occur. But its left to you to find out if this exe does work at all or even correctly. After all i would not recommend this strategy.

Linker errors can sometimes be tedious to solve, but usually it has to be done only after migrating or setting up a project. This may take quite a while - it sometimes took me more then a day, but it should be done properly.

You absolutely must not ignore linker errors, ever! A linker is telling you that it's confused about a symbol that's defined in multiple places - where should it take the definition from? Do you really want it to be arbitrary? What about when you change your code and the linker randomly decides to take the other definition which might suddenly break your code?

Instead of fighting the tool, correct your code so that it compiles and links without errors. This MSDN article has some information on fixing it, along with links for more information.
