what is the equivalent of EXPLAIN form SQLite in SQL Server?

天涯浪子 提交于 2019-12-01 05:13:22

You can see the estimated query plan of any query in SSMS by clicking the estimated query plan button.


However, if the user shouldn't be writing to the database, is shouldn't have the permissions to do so. Ensure it belongs to a role that has restricted permissions.

If you do decide to go this route, you could do the following:

set showplan_xml on
set noexec on
select * from sysobjects
set noexec off
set showplan_xml off

This will return 3 result sets containing a single column of XML. The 2nd result set is the query plan for the actual query (in this case, select * from sysobjects)

But as noted in my comment, you'd be better off preventing the user having permissions to make any changes.

It's also possible to craft statements that are "only" selects but that are also pretty malicious. I could easily write a select that exclusively locks every table in the database and takes an hour to run.
