Automate Eclipse “Yui Compressor…”

橙三吉。 提交于 2019-12-01 04:30:37


Eclipse PDT has this handy built-in Yui Compressor in the context menu for files. But when building a webapp that uses multiple such files, it becomes tedious to compress the files manually after each update. It doesn't even remember what files compress to which filenames, so you have to enter that again.

Is it possible to automate this process easily within Eclipse, so you can click on "build" or something and all specified files will be compressed to their targets?

There is really a vacuum concerning documentation about this Yui feature in Eclipse.

I am using Eclipse Indigo 3.7.0 with PDT 3.0.0.v20110516-11, but both PDT and the Yui option have remained pretty similar since Galileo


Automation solutions, not Eclipse-native but close:

  • GNU make makefile

    %-min.js: %.js
        ${java} -jar ${compressor} $< -o ${<:.js=-min.js}
  • Windows Batch

    FOR %f IN (*.js) DO java -jar yuicompressor.jar %f -o deploy\%f
  • Linux Shellscript

    ls -1 *.js | awk '{printf("java -jar yuicompressor.jar %s -o deploy/%s",$1,$1)}' | /bin/sh
  • ANT file

    See here:
    How do I paste html/xml here?

Also see this question.


Well, I actually downloaded the jar and created an ANT task to to CSS and JS compression. I work on Tomcat, so it includes tasks to upload stuff, clean work/ directory and things like that. Hope it helps.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE project>
<project name="MyProject" default="subir">

    <!-- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-->

    <property name="" value="MyProject" />

    <property name="src.dir" location="src" />
    <property name="web.dir" location="WebContent" />
    <property name="lib.dir" location="WebContent/WEB-INF/lib" />
    <property name="bin.dir" location="WebContent/WEB-INF/classes" />

    <property name="minify.dir" location="minified" />
    <property name="minify.sourcedir" location="${skin.dir}/resources/" />
    <!-- <property name="minify.sourcedir" location="${web.dir}/resources/" /> -->

    <!-- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-->

    <property prefix="env" file="" />

    <path id="project.classpath">
        <pathelement location="${src.dir}" />
        <fileset dir="${lib.dir}">
            <include name="*.jar" />

    <path id="yui.classpath.minifier">
        <fileset dir="${lib.dir}">
            <include name="YUIAnt.jar" />
            <include name="yuicompressor-2.4.2.jar" />

    <!-- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-->

    <target name="checkTomcatHome">
        <condition property="local.tomcathome.exists">
            <available file="${env.TOMCAT_PRUEBAS}" type="dir" />

    <target name="subir" depends="checkTomcatHome" if="local.tomcathome.exists">

        <echo message="El servidor Tomcat destino existe, buscando archivos para copia en el proyecto y en en OsmoCore/WebContent..." />

        <copy todir="${env.TOMCAT_PRUEBAS}/webapps/${}">
            <fileset dir="${web.dir}">
                <include name="**/*.*" />

        <!--<echo message="Buscando archivos para copia en ${env.TOMCAT_PRUEBAS}/webapps/${}/WEB-INF/classes..." />
        <copy todir="${env.TOMCAT_PRUEBAS}/webapps/${}/WEB-INF/classes">
            <fileset dir="${bin.dir}">
                <include name="**/*.*" />


    <!-- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-->

    <target name="WAR">

        <delete file="${}.war"/>
        <delete dir="TMP_WAR"/>
        <mkdir dir="TMP_WAR"/>

        <copy todir="TMP_WAR">
            <fileset dir="${web.dir}">
                <include name="**/*.*" />

        <copy todir="TMP_WAR/WEB-INF/classes">
            <fileset dir="${bin.dir}">
                <include name="**/*.*" />

        <delete dir="${}.war"/>

        <zip destfile="${}.war">
            <zipfileset dir="TMP_WAR">
                <include name="**/*.*" />

        <delete dir="TMP_WAR"/>


    <!-- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-->

    <target name="subirCompleto" depends="checkTomcatHome" if="local.tomcathome.exists">
        <echo message="El servidor Tomcat destino existe, buscando carpetas Work y ${} en Webapps, para eliminar" />
        <delete dir="${env.TOMCAT_PRUEBAS}/work" />
        <delete dir="${env.TOMCAT_PRUEBAS}/webapps/${}" />
        <antcall target="subir" />

    <!-- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-->

    <target name="borrarWork" depends="checkTomcatHome" if="local.tomcathome.exists">
        <echo message="El servidor Tomcat destino existe, buscando carpeta Work a eliminar..." />
        <delete dir="${env.TOMCAT_PRUEBAS}/work"/>

    <!-- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-->

    <target name="css.minify">

        <echo message="Creando directorio temporal ${minify.dir} (si no existe aún)..." />
        <mkdir dir="${minify.dir}" />

        <echo message="Borrando versión anterior de la carpeta temporal ${minify.dir}/css-min/..." />
        <delete dir="${minify.dir}/css-min/" />
        <echo message="Creando carpeta temporal ${minify.dir}/css-min/..." />
        <mkdir dir="${minify.dir}/css-min/" />

        <echo message="Copiando estructura de ${web.dir}/resources/styles/ en carpeta temporal..." />
        <copy todir="${minify.dir}/css-min/">
            <fileset dir="${minify.sourcedir}/styles/">
                <include name="**/*.*" />

        <echo message="Borrando los CSS copiados a la carpeta temporal..." />
            <fileset dir="${minify.dir}/css-min/" >
                <include name="**/*.css"/>

        <echo message="Comprimiendo!!!..." />
        <apply executable="java" parallel="false" dest="${minify.dir}/css-min/">
            <fileset dir="${minify.sourcedir}/styles/">
                <include name="**/*.css"/>
            <arg line="-jar"/>
            <arg path="${lib.dir}/yui_compressor/yuicompressor-2.4.7.jar"/>
            <arg line="--line-break 0"/>
            <arg line="--type css"/>
            <arg line="--charset ISO-8859-1"/>
            <arg line="--nomunge"/>
            <!-- <arg line="- -verbose"/> -->
            <srcfile />
            <arg line="-o"/>
            <mapper type="glob" from="*.css" to="*.css"/>
            <targetfile />

    <!-- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-->

    <target name="js.minify">

        <echo message="Creando directorio temporal ${minify.dir} (si no existe aún)..." />
        <mkdir dir="${minify.dir}" />

        <echo message="Borrando versión anterior de la carpeta temporal ${web.dir}/resources/js-min/..." />
        <delete dir="${minify.dir}/js-min/" />
        <echo message="Creando carpeta temporal ${web.dir}/resources/js-min/..." />
        <mkdir dir="${minify.dir}/js-min/" />

        <echo message="Copiando estructura de ${web.dir}/resources/scripts/ en carpeta temporal..." />
        <copy todir="${minify.dir}/js-min/">
            <fileset dir="${minify.sourcedir}/scripts/">
                <include name="**/*.*" />

        <echo message="Borrando los JS copiados a la carpeta temporal..." />
            <fileset dir="${minify.dir}/js-min/" >
                <include name="**/*.js"/>

        <echo message="Comprimiendo!!!..." />
        <apply executable="java" parallel="false" dest="${minify.dir}/js-min/">

            <fileset dir="${minify.sourcedir}/scripts">
                <include name="**/*.js"/>
            <arg line="-jar"/>
            <arg path="${lib.dir}/yui_compressor/yuicompressor-2.4.7.jar"/>
            <arg line="--line-break 0"/>
            <arg line="--type js"/>
            <arg line="--charset ISO-8859-1"/>
            <arg line="--nomunge"/>
            <!--<arg line="- -verbose"/>-->
            <srcfile />
            <arg line="-o"/>
            <mapper type="glob" from="*.js" to="*.js"/>
            <targetfile />


    <!-- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-->

    <target name="js.minified.subir" depends="checkTomcatHome" if="local.tomcathome.exists">
        <echo message="El servidor Tomcat destino existe, copiando archivos 'encogidos' a  ${env.TOMCAT_PRUEBAS}/webapps/${}/resources/scripts..." />
        <copy todir="${env.TOMCAT_PRUEBAS}/webapps/${}/resources/scripts" overwrite="yes">
            <fileset dir="${minify.dir}/js-min/">
                <include name="**/*.*" />

    <!-- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-->

    <target name="css.minified.subir" depends="checkTomcatHome" if="local.tomcathome.exists">
        <echo message="El servidor Tomcat destino existe, copiando archivos 'encogidos' a  ${env.TOMCAT_PRUEBAS}/webapps/${}/resources/styles..." />
        <copy todir="${env.TOMCAT_PRUEBAS}/webapps/${}/resources/styles" overwrite="yes">
            <fileset dir="${minify.dir}/css-min/">
                <include name="**/*.*" />

    <!-- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-->

    <target name="css.minified.process">
        <echo message="Reduciendo el tamaño de los archivos CSS..." />
        <antcall target="css.minify" />

        <echo message="Cargando los archivos CSS..." />
        <antcall target="css.minified.subir" />

        <echo message="Borrando la carpeta temporal..." />
        <delete dir="${minify.dir}" />

    <!-- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-->

    <target name="js.minified.process">
        <echo message="Reduciendo el tamaño de los archivos JS..." />
        <antcall target="js.minify" />

        <echo message="Cargando los archivos JS..." />
        <antcall target="js.minified.subir" />

        <echo message="Borrando la carpeta temporal..." />
        <delete dir="${minify.dir}" />
    <!-- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-->



You can also batch-minify using Node.js. However, this option is only for Linux users (for now).

Every time some software package is horribly lacking a convenience (Eclipse) or a builder batch format is just crazy (ANT), someone clever comes along and creates something awesome.

In this case,

  • node-minify

which is awesome.

Just thought I'd update this question and add the answer.


You can select and "build" js/css resources by configuring and adding an External Tool with a batch (for Windows users).

Step1: Add "yuicompressor" and "minify.bat" (given below) to your project.

Step2: Configure an External Tool named "Minify" (Run -> External Tools -> External Tools Configurations).

Step3: Select the resources (js/css) or the directory that contains them, and click "Minify". The js/css files will be deployed to the sibling "min" directory.


@echo off

set target=%1
set yui=%2\WebContent\build\yuicompressor\yuicompressor-2.4.8.jar

:: %1 selected resource
:: %2 current project

:: dir
if exist %target%\ (
  cd /d %target%
  mkdir min 2>nul

  for %%f in (*.js *.css) do (
    echo Minifying "%%~ff"
    java -jar %yui% %%f -o min\%%f

  goto end

:: .js/.css
set pathNoExt=0
for /f %%i in ('dir /b %target%') do set pathNoExt=%%~ni

if not %pathNoExt%==0 (
  cd /d %~dp1
  mkdir min 2>nul

  for /f %%f in ('dir /b %pathNoExt%.js %pathNoExt%.css') do (
    echo Minifying "%%~ff"
    java -jar %yui% %%f -o min\%%f

echo Minified

