I am trying to create a dragEvent and fire it programmatically using this code on Chrome:
var ev = document.createEvent("MouseEvents");
and then fire it this way:
The element has draggable attribute.
The event was dispatched successfully. However on the event being fired - the dataTransfer object is null. Even when I try to set it manually to a working dataTransfer object - it still stays null.
Any ideas?
Unfortunately, it seems that there is no such a way to create a DataTransfer object programmatically at the moment. The description of HTML5 drag and drop interface says:
Although, for consistency with other event interfaces, the DragEvent interface has a constructor, it is not particularly useful. In particular, there's no way to create a useful DataTransfer object from script, as DataTransfer objects have a processing and security model that is coordinated by the browser during drag-and-drops
Please check more details here: http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/dnd.html#the-dragevent-and-datatransfer-interfaces
Looks like it can work like this:
const dataTransfer = new DataTransfer;
dataTransfer.setData("data", '1');
cell.dispatchEvent(new DragEvent('drop', { dataTransfer: dataTransfer }));