Is there a null-coalescing (Elvis) operator or safe navigation operator in javascript?

懵懂的女人 提交于 2019-11-26 12:10:51

You can use the logical 'OR' operator in place of the Elvis operator:

For example displayname = || "Anonymous" .

But Javascript currently doesn't have the other functionality. I'd recommend looking at CoffeeScript if you want an alternative syntax. It has some shorthand that is similar to what you are looking for.

For example The Existential Operator

zip = lottery.drawWinner?().address?.zipcode

Function shortcuts

()->  // equivalent to function(){}

Sexy function calling

func 'arg1','arg2' // equivalent to func('arg1','arg2')

There is also multiline comments and classes. Obviously you have to compile this to javascript or insert into the page as <script type='text/coffeescript>' but it adds a lot of functionality :) . Using <script type='text/coffeescript'> is really only intended for development and not production.

I think the following is equivalent to the safe navigation operator, although a bit longer:

var streetName = user && user.address && user.address.street;

streetName will then be either the value of user.address.street or undefined.

If you want it to default to something else you can combine with the above shortcut or to give:

var streetName = (user && user.address && user.address.street) || "Unknown Street";

Javascript's logical OR operator is short-circuiting and can replace your "Elvis" operator:

var displayName = || "Anonymous";

However, to my knowledge there's no equivalent to your ?. operator.

I've occasionally found the following idiom useful:


can be rewritten as:


This takes advantage of the fact that getting unknown attributes on an object returns undefined, rather than throwing an exception as it does on null or undefined, so we replace null and undefined with an empty object before navigating.

i think lodash _.get() can help here, as in _.get(user, 'name'), and more complex tasks like _.get(o, 'a[0].b.c', 'default-value')

For the former, you can use ||. The Javascript "logical or" operator, rather than simply returning canned true and false values, follows the rule of returning its left argument if it is true, and otherwise evaluating and returning its right argument. When you're only interested in the truth value it works out the same, but it also means that foo || bar || baz returns the leftmost one of foo, bar, or baz that contains a true value.

You won't find one that can distinguish false from null, though, and 0 and empty string are false values, so avoid using the value || default construct where value can legitimately be 0 or "".

This is more commonly known as a null-coalescing operator. Javascript does not have one.

Here's a simple elvis operator equivalent:

function elvis(object, path) {
    return path ? path.split('.').reduce(function (nestedObject, key) {
        return nestedObject && nestedObject[key];
    }, object) : object;

> var o = { a: { b: 2 }, c: 3 };
> elvis(o)

{ a: { b: 2 }, c: 3 }

> elvis(o, 'a');

{ b: 2 }

> elvis(o, 'a.b');


> elvis(o, 'x');


You can achieve roughly the same effect by saying:

var displayName = || "Anonymous";

I have a solution for that, tailor it to your own needs, an excerpt from one of my libs:

    elvisStructureSeparator: '.',

    // An Elvis operator replacement. See:
    // --> The Existential Operator
    // The fn parameter has a SPECIAL SYNTAX. E.g.
    // some.structure['with a selector like this'].value transforms to
    // 'some.structure.with a selector like this.value' as an fn parameter.
    // Configurable with tulebox.elvisStructureSeparator.
    // Usage examples: 
    // tulebox.elvis(scope, '', fnParamA, fnParamB, fnParamC);
    // tulebox.elvis(this, 'currentNode.favicon.filename');
    elvis: function (scope, fn) {
        tulebox.dbg('tulebox.elvis(' + scope + ', ' + fn + ', args...)');

        var implicitMsg = '....implicit value: undefined ';

        if (arguments.length < 2) {
            tulebox.dbg(implicitMsg + '(1)');
            return undefined;

        // prepare args
        var args = [], 2);
        if (scope === null || fn === null || scope === undefined || fn === undefined 
            || typeof fn !== 'string') {
            tulebox.dbg(implicitMsg + '(2)');
            return undefined;   

        // check levels
        var levels = fn.split(tulebox.elvisStructureSeparator);
        if (levels.length < 1) {
            tulebox.dbg(implicitMsg + '(3)');
            return undefined;

        var lastLevel = scope;

        for (var i = 0; i < levels.length; i++) {
            if (lastLevel[levels[i]] === undefined) {
                tulebox.dbg(implicitMsg + '(4)');
                return undefined;
            lastLevel = lastLevel[levels[i]];

        // real return value
        if (typeof lastLevel === 'function') {
            var ret = lastLevel.apply(scope, args);
            tulebox.dbg('....function value: ' + ret);
            return ret;
        } else {
            tulebox.dbg(' value: ' + lastLevel);
            return lastLevel;

works like a charm. Enjoy the less pain!


You could roll your own:

function resolve(objectToGetValueFrom, stringOfDotSeparatedParameters) {
    var returnObject = objectToGetValueFrom,
        parameters = stringOfDotSeparatedParameters.split('.'),

    for (i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++) {
        parameter = parameters[i];

        returnObject = returnObject[parameter];

        if (returnObject === undefined) {
    return returnObject;

And use it like this:

var result = resolve(obj, 'a.b.c.d'); 

* result is undefined if any one of a, b, c or d is undefined.

Jumping in very late, there's a proposal[1] for optional chaining currently at stage 2, with a babel plugin[2] available. It's not currently in any browser I am aware of.


Here is my "elvis" function. Pass the root object and the chain as a string. It always returns the first 'undefined' element of the chain. Works with both objects, arrays, methods and primitives.

elvis(myObject, 'categories.shirts[0].getPrice().currency');

Working example:

const elvis = (obj, keychain) => {
  const handleArray = (parent, key) => {
    if (key.indexOf('[') > -1) {
      const arrayName = key.split('[')[0];
      const arrayIndex = +key.split('[')[1].slice(0, -1);
        return parent[arrayName] && parent[arrayName][arrayIndex];
    if (key.indexOf('(') > -1) {
      const methodName = key.split('(')[0];
      return parent[methodName] && parent[methodName]();
    return parent[key];

  const keys = keychain.split('.');
  let base = obj;

  for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i += 1) {
    base = handleArray(base, keys[i]);
    if (typeof base === 'undefined') return base;
  return base;


const myObject = {
  categories: {
    getFoo: () => 'foo',
    shirts: [
      { color: 'red' },
      { color: 'blue' }

console.log(elvis(myObject, 'categories.shirts[0].color'));
console.log(elvis(myObject, 'categories.getFoo()'));
console.log(elvis(myObject, 'categories.getBar()'));
console.log(elvis(myObject, 'categories.shirts[0].length'));
console.log(elvis(myObject, 'categories.pans[2].color'));

This was an interesting solution for the safe navigation operator using some mixin..

  // Assume you have the following data structure
  var companies = {
      orbeon: {
          cfo: "Erik",
          cto: "Alex"

  // Extend Underscore.js
      // Safe navigation
      attr: function(obj, name) { return obj == null ? obj : obj[name]; },
      // So we can chain console.log
      log: function(obj) { console.log(obj); }

  // Shortcut, 'cause I'm lazy
  var C = _(companies).chain();

  // Simple case: returns Erik
  // Simple case too, no CEO in Orbeon, returns undefined
  // IBM unknown, but doesn't lead to an error, returns undefined

I read this article ( and modified the solution using Proxies.

function safe(obj) {
    return new Proxy(obj, {
        get: function(target, name) {
            const result = target[name];
            if (!!result) {
                return (result instanceof Object)? safe(result) : result;
            return safe.nullObj;

safe.nullObj = safe({});
safe.safeGet= function(obj, expression) {
    let safeObj = safe(obj);
    let safeResult = expression(safeObj);

    if (safeResult === safe.nullObj) {
        return undefined;
    return safeResult;

You call it like this:

safe.safeGet(example, (x) =>

The result will be undefined for an expression that encounters null or undefined along its path. You could go wild and modify the Object prototype!

Object.prototype.getSafe = function (expression) {
    return safe.safeGet(this, expression);

example.getSafe((x) =>;

Personally i use

function e(e,expr){try{return eval(expr);}catch(e){return null;}};

and for example safe get:

var a = e(obj,'e.x.y.z.searchedField');