Angular 2 Dart: How to detect click on everything but element?

不想你离开。 提交于 2019-12-01 03:20:30


On an app with a lot of different components within one component I have a custom Auto-suggest box. The box should be closed if the user clicks anywhere but on the Auto-suggest box (or containing elements of the auto-suggest box).

This is what I would do in jQuery:

$(document).on('click','body',function(e) {
if(!='.suggestbox' && $('.suggestbox').length <1 ) {

However In my Angular Dart templates I have:


// sub component
// sub sub component

I can think of a possibility in detecting a click on the topmost wrapper within the my-app component and send the action to the subcomponent but this is still not a body click.

What is the best way to solve this?


<button (click)="show = true">show dropdown</button>
<div #suggestbox *ngIf="show">...</div>
class AutoSuggestComponent {
  bool show = false;

  @ViewChild('suggestbox') ElementRef suggestbox;

  @HostListener('document:click', [r'$event'])
  onDocumentClick(MouseEvent e) {
    if((suggestbox.nativeElement as HtmlElement).contains( {
      // inside the dropdown
    } else {
      // outside the dropdown

not tested and the button and div element are only a rough approximation of what the component would look like.

See also How can I close a dropdown on click outside?


Angular 5 doesn't support global event handlers like document:...

Use instead the imperative variant

class AutoSuggestComponent implements AfterViewInit, OnDestroy {
  bool show = false;

  @ViewChild('suggestbox') ElementRef suggestbox;

  StreamSubscription _docClickSub;

  void ngAfterViewInit() {
    _docClickSub = document.onClick.listen((e) {
      if((suggestbox.nativeElement as HtmlElement).contains( {
        // inside the dropdown
      } else {
        // outside the dropdown

  void onDestroy() {

