Restart background SVG animation

守給你的承諾、 提交于 2019-12-01 02:54:07

I think your guess "... as the image is not considered to have been reloaded by the browser - it uses the in memory version which is already animating" is correct, as the SVG file is cached! So without a (real) 'reload' the animation is not triggered (again).

Well, firstly let's have a look at SVG animations. There are two attributes you can use inside an animation element which are used to repeat the animation - see Repeating Animations and The ‘animate’ element. In your case the animation runs only once (no repetition).

So you would need Javascript to somehow "trigger" the animation.
This is possible in principle (example: Advanced SVG Animation Techniques), but only if the SVG file is part of the DOM, which you can access via Javascript. Therefor you have to include the SVG file as an <object>.

As soon as you use a SVG file in an <img> tag or as a CSS background-image you have no script access to the file.

So the only way I could think of to achieve your goal is to prevent the browser from caching the SVG file (see How (and how not) to Control Caches), or to use the SVG file in an <object> element so that you can control the animation via Javascript.

BTW: luigifab's answer is not that bad. This is an often used "trick" to force reload of a file/ an image - see The Cache Trick

As @netsurfer said, I solved this issue by using an object. Here is an example:

<object type="image/svg+xml" data="my.svg"></object>

Every time I dynamically inject the SVG object the animation starts from the beginning.

A possibility is to change image URL to force browser reload.

Implementation for luigifab's answer. put some random things at the end of the url parameter, this will force browser to think that the resource is a "new resource". Demo

Use a random key in the url for cache busting. Though your example does not have a long animation to properly test it, I have added repeatition of loading the image to make the difference noticable.

url + "&" + Math.random()

No reload demo with constant URL:

Reload demo with random URL src:

I think in many scenarios setCurrentTime(0) is the best solution -- if supported by the browser. Here is an example (assuming you use the <object> tag for embedding, of course):

let content = document.getElementById("object-id").contentDocument;
let svg = content.getElementsByTagName("svg")[0];
if(svg.getCurrentTime() > 10)

More infos about the relevant API can be found here:

This has worked for me, Simply adding and removing "play" class to a div element by adding setTimeout to delay classList.add('play') so the class can be removed and then applied


@keyframes play60 {
        0% {
            background-position: 0px 0px;
        100% {
            background-position: -38400px 0px;
    .shapeshifter {
        animation-duration: 1000ms;
        animation-timing-function: steps(60);
        animation-fill-mode: forwards;
        width: 640px;
        height: 640px;
        background-repeat: no-repeat;
    } {
        animation-name: play60;


document.getElementById('shape').addEventListener('mouseover', () => {
    setTimeout(() => {
    }, 1)


<div class="shapeshifter " id="shape" style="background-image: url(shape.svg)"></div>