Installation did not complete successfully. see the IDE log for details - Android studio

耗尽温柔 提交于 2019-12-01 02:48:35

I had this problem before and I tried to uninstall android studio and tried everything but I found the solution..

the solution is :

Downloaded SDK from beginning , and change the SDK path to the new one, then it all will work .. good luck

The reason is that the SDK manager would write the location of the temp file where it downloads the installer. For example in OP's case its mentioned as below:

in a line form the log or error message

Due to some reason that file might not be available any more and Android studio instead of asking for a re-download would give this error.

The solution to fix this is to find the file .installData from where SDK manager is getting this info and delete it. This will force SDK manager to re download that component only and you don't need to download the complete SDK again

The content of the file looks something like this

#Tue May 16 18:41:10 GST 2017

The content and path of the file would be different for different components

Coder Absolute

I had the same problem but starting the Android Studio in Administrator Mode has helped me to continue with the update.

I had the same problem and i tried to uninstall/install the android studio but that didn't work out for me. I had recently installed a fresh copy of windows. I'm using windows 10 64bit. My problem turned out to be permission for the folder that contained the android studio/sdk. To solve it, I removed old user permissions for user of old windows and added full control for my new user(not sure but i think modify permission would be enough). To do so, I right click on the folder then selected the security tab.

Then click on Edit

Then click Add in the new screen

my user is named hany so i wrote hany then clicked on Check Names and it choose the right one.Click Ok

the user appears as Users (DESKTOP-8FKNNEM\Users) and then i check the Full control Then Ok

If the user had already existed in the Security tab then it should have permissions that would enable writing





I got the same issue on Linux. It was a permission issue on the SDK installation folder.

In Tools -> Android -> SDK manager there is the SDK installation folder at the top of the window.

Just do a chmod 777 -R on this folder, problem solved.

My solution: (not as complicated as it looks)

  • Close project and exit Android Studio.
  • Run Android Studio as Administrator. (Right click on Android's icon will do.)
  • Android automatically loads a previous project, at exactly where I have left it supposedly.
  • However, it isn't where I have left it. It is at an earlier project where things (sdk settings/locations) have NOT gone wrong.
  • Next thing, I open the project I want to work on. A dialogue box appears saying that the Project SDK and Android SDK are pointing to different local folders. Two buttons allow me to choose which SDK location I want to use.
  • Either one should work!!!


  • It happens when we switch to a different user but tried to work on the same project.
  • We should remember to run Android Studio as Administrator unless we have an absolute clear mind about how SDK works.

Right click android studio and click run as administrator.. it will work.

It happens some times, you have to re-download it from the beginning with all the files because it seems that the download failed at some point, and then retry

Once I also stuck on that when tried to install emulator via AndroidSDK manager. The solution is simple. Right click on your Android sdk home and select sort by time. And see last modified files. In my case there were two text files. First file in root folder - ".knownPackages" with text something like: "ÈäUuMá–m ™ŒÝ¼´" and another one in".installdata"with endless text "nullnullnull....". But i forgot its location right now. You can search that in windows explorer. Then I replaced them to a folder not related to Android home. Sdk re-generated them both after emulator installation.And it started work as it was before

  1. Check the logs - Menu -> help -> show log in files.
  2. In file explorer sort files by modified time.
  3. Go to end at latest updated file you will find some error written there

In my case, it was "No space left on device".

Download Intel XAMP by clicking on this link

After downloading extract this file and install intelhaxm-android.exe file Problem Solved....

ide.log location

Help -> Show Log in Explorer

The easiest way I used to fix this issue is to run Android Studio as administrator (Note! My android studio installed on C:/ partition, so this issue caused by permissions)

enter image description here

I found a file ".installData" on the system drive of Windows on advice @dmsherazi. I in this file simply deleted a line in which the path is specified. Then I restarted the Studio and the update fell into place.

solution: install and reinstall Android Studio SDK or deleting the \instantapps folder in C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\extras\google\instantapps could be the right solution

Go to "android-sdk" folder. Then go to "ndk-bundle", find and delete ".installData". Come back to Android Studio and goto "Help" and "Check for Updates...". I hope this will work for most of the systems. This problem solved on Android Studio 3.3.2 version.

Make sure that you have the correct access rights to the folder where the sdk is located
