Get access to the context of InheritedWidget

五迷三道 提交于 2019-12-01 01:09:36

No. That's not possible (or at least not recommended).

The problem lies in the fact that your inheritedWidget shouldn't be inside the route but instead above the route. Usually above MaterialApp

But I want my Authentification to be able to push a login screen, I can't put it above MaterialApp !

Which is why I said usually. :D

Authentification is one of these exceptions. You may want your authent layer to access the Navigator. But still want to share that authent layer with all routes.

This is where an useful property of MaterialApp is used : builder

Builder, when passed, will be used to insert any kind of widget right above your routes. But still be after Navigator so that you can still push new routes when needed.

In the end, you'd have

new MaterialApp(
  builder: (context, child) {
    return new MyAuthent(child: child);
  // home: SplashSceen ?

This will most likely requires a refactor on your end. But that's the proper way to achieve this.
