I need to separate application styles to several xaml files. But I also need to define some shared values like
<x:Double x:Key="SharedValue">100</x:Double>
in single file for use this value in styles defined in other files. For instance:
<Style x:Name="SomeStyle" TargetType="TextBox">
<Setter Property="Width" Value="{StaticResource SharedValue}"/>
and in another resource dictionary file:
<Style x:Name="AnotherStyle" TargetType="Button">
<Setter Property="Height" Value="{StaticResource SharedValue}"/>
But when I try to define merged resource dictionary in App.xaml file
<ResourceDictionary >
<ResourceDictionary Source="DefinedValues.xaml"/>
<ResourceDictionary Source="Styles1.xaml"/>
<ResourceDictionary Source="Styles2.xaml"/>
I get this runtime exception:"Message = "Cannot find a Resource with the Name/Key SharedValue"
Can you tell me is it posible to do this and what I'm doing wrong? Thanks.
Using merged dictionaries can get a bit tricky if you have dependencies between other merged dictionaries.
When you have multiple application-scope resources the order of the declare is important. They are resolved in the inverse order of the declare, so in your case you should have the order.
<ResourceDictionary >
<ResourceDictionary Source="Styles1.xaml"/>
<ResourceDictionary Source="Styles2.xaml"/>
<ResourceDictionary Source="DefinedValues.xaml"/>
Also, you may need to reference the other ResourceDictionary in Styles1.xaml. This worked for me in Styles1.xaml.
<ResourceDictionary "...">
<ResourceDictionary Source="SharedValues.xaml" />
<Style x:Name="AnotherStyle"
<Setter Property="Height"
Value="{StaticResource SharedValue}" />