I have a select2 drop-down where you need to first enter 2 characters and then select your item. I am unable to test this with Protractor.
var select2 = element(by.css('div#s2id_person'));
The following gets an error about being unable to focus the element when you try to sendKeys.
The following snippet successfully activates and selects the first option in a select2 widget, it allows for loading options over a network.
There are several issues with the 'select2' widget - in regard to protractor E2E testing - which this snippet addresses. The comments explains it all very well.
* @param {string} select2Locator // CSS selector of select2 container
* @param {string} opt_query // an optional Query string
function select2First(select2Locator, opt_query){
// the 'a' element inside the select2 will receive the 'mousedown' event
var selector = select2Locator + ' a.select2-choice';
// Locator for the select2 options
var options = element.all(by.css('.select2-results-dept-0'));
// select2 doesn't activate on click
// and protractor doesn't have a direct mousedown method on 'ElementFinder'.
browser.driver.executeScript('$(arguments["0"]).mousedown();', (selector));
// select2 can fetch options from over a network
// so we confirm that all pending network requests are resolved after typing the query
return browser.driver.executeScript('return $.active === 0;');
}, 2000);
// makes sure all the options are rendered
return options.count().then(function(count){
return 0 < count;
}, 2000);
In your provided scenario, you would use it like this:
select2First('div#s2id_person', 'ip');