When do I set IFS to a newline in Bash?

纵饮孤独 提交于 2019-11-30 21:29:14

Your second try almost works, but you have to tell read that it should not just read until newline (the default behaviour), but for example until the null string:

$ IFS=$'\n' read -a arr -d '' <<< $'a b c\nd e f\ng h i'
$ declare -p arr
declare -a arr='([0]="a b c" [1]="d e f" [2]="g h i")'

But as you pointed out, mapfile/readarray is the way to go if you have it (requires Bash 4.0 or newer):

$ mapfile -t arr <<< $'a b c\nd e f\ng h i'
$ declare -p arr
declare -a arr='([0]="a b c" [1]="d e f" [2]="g h i")'

The -t option removes the newlines from each element.

As for when you'd want to use IFS=$'\n':

  • As just shown, if you want to read a files into an array, one line per element, if your Bash is older than 4.0, and you don't want to use a loop
  • Some people promote using an IFS without a space to avoid unexpected side effects from word splitting; the proper approach in my opinion, though, is to understand word splitting and make sure to avoid it with proper quoting as desired.
  • I've seen IFS=$'\n' used in tab completion scripts, for example the one for cd in bash-completion: this script fiddles with paths and replaces colons with newlines, to then split them up using that IFS.
David C. Rankin

You are a bit confused as to what IFS is. IFS is the Internal Field Separator used by bash to perform word-splitting to split lines into words after expansion. The default value is [ \t\n] (space, tab, newline).

By reassigning IFS=$'\n', you are removing the ' \t' and telling bash to only split words on newline characters (your thinking is correct). That has the effect of allowing some line with spaces to be read into a single array element without quoting.

Where your implementation fails is in your read -r -a array < file. The -a causes words in the line to be assigned to sequential array indexes. However, you have told bash to only break on a newline (which is the whole line). Since you only call read once, only one array index is filled.

You can either do:

while IFS=$'\n' read -r line; do
    array+=( $line )
done < "$filename"

(which you could do without changing IFS if you simply quoted "$line")

Or using IFS=$'\n', you could do

array=( $(<filename) )

or finally, you could use IFS and readarray:

readarray array <filename

Try them and let me know if you have questions.
