I want to implement timer using Kotlin coroutines, something similar to this implemented with RxJava:
Flowable.interval(0, 5, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
.map { LocalDateTime.now() }
.distinctUntilChanged { old, new ->
old.minute == new.minute
.subscribe {
It will emit LocalDateTime every new minute.
I believe it is still experimental, but you may use a TickerChannel to produce values every X millis:
val tickerChannel = ticker(delayMillis = 60_000, initialDelayMillis = 0)
repeat(10) {
val currentTime = LocalDateTime.now()
If you need to carry on doing your work while your "subscribe" does something for each "tick", you may launch
a background coroutine that will read from this channel and do the thing you want:
val tickerChannel = ticker(delayMillis = 60_000, initialDelayMillis = 0)
launch {
for (event in tickerChannel) { // event is of type Unit, so we don't really care about it
val currentTime = LocalDateTime.now()
// when you're done with the ticker and don't want more events