Why is there internal fragmentation in a Java object even if every field is 4-byte aligned?

☆樱花仙子☆ 提交于 2019-11-30 21:23:16

Sometimes HotSpot injects internal VM-specific fields that are not visible on Java level. In ClassLoader case this is a pointer to ClassLoaderData:

#define CLASSLOADER_INJECTED_FIELDS(macro)                            \
  macro(java_lang_ClassLoader, loader_data,  intptr_signature, false)

This is one field of intptr_t type, i.e. exactly 8 bytes long.

Here is how HotSpot sources describe ClassLoaderData:

// A ClassLoaderData identifies the full set of class types that a class
// loader's name resolution strategy produces for a given configuration of the
// class loader.
// Class types in the ClassLoaderData may be defined by from class file binaries
// provided by the class loader, or from other class loader it interacts with
// according to its name resolution strategy.
// Class loaders that implement a deterministic name resolution strategy
// (including with respect to their delegation behavior), such as the boot, the
// extension, and the system loaders of the JDK's built-in class loader
// hierarchy, always produce the same linkset for a given configuration.
// ClassLoaderData carries information related to a linkset (e.g.,
// metaspace holding its klass definitions).
// The System Dictionary and related data structures (e.g., placeholder table,
// loader constraints table) as well as the runtime representation of classes
// only reference ClassLoaderData.
// Instances of java.lang.ClassLoader holds a pointer to a ClassLoaderData that
// that represent the loader's "linking domain" in the JVM.
// The bootstrap loader (represented by NULL) also has a ClassLoaderData,
// the singleton class the_null_class_loader_data().

You have given me a perfect opportunity to post something that I have seen interesting too (this should be a comment, but it's too long):


Running this will give you:

 OFFSET  SIZE            TYPE DESCRIPTION                    VALUE
  0     4                 (object header)                01 27 2b fd (00000001 00100111 00101011 11111101) (-47503615)
  4     4                 (object header)                5f 00 00 00 (01011111 00000000 00000000 00000000) (95)
  8     4                 (object header)                df 03 00 f8 (11011111 00000011 00000000 11111000) (-134216737)
 12     4     Constructor Class.cachedConstructor        null
 16     4           Class Class.newInstanceCallerCache   null
 20     4          String Class.name                     (object)
 24     4                 (alignment/padding gap)        N/A
 28     4   SoftReference Class.reflectionData           (object)
 32     4 ClassRepository Class.genericInfo              null
 36     4        Object[] Class.enumConstants            null
 40     4             Map Class.enumConstantDirectory    null
 44     4  AnnotationData Class.annotationData           (object)
 48     4  AnnotationType Class.annotationType           null
 52     4   ClassValueMap Class.classValueMap            null
 56    32                 (alignment/padding gap)        N/A
 88     4             int Class.classRedefinedCount      0
 92   556                 (loss due to the next object alignment)

Instance size: 648 bytes Space losses: 36 bytes internal + 556 bytes external = 592 bytes total

Or a total space loss of 556 bytes; I found this pretty impressive.
