Need a way to retrieve the current playing song from Zune and Windows Media Player with Python

梦想的初衷 提交于 2019-11-30 19:08:50

I have working code in C++ to print the name of media currently playing in WMP. It's a simple console application (78 lines of code).


1) implements a basic COM object implementing IUnknown, IOleClientSite, IServiceProvider and IWMPRemoteMediaServices. This is straightforward (sort of, your mileage may vary) using the ATL template CComObjectRootEx. The only methods needing (simple) code are IServiceProvider::QueryService and IWMPRemoteMediaServices::GetServiceType. All other methods may return E_NOTIMPL

2) Instantiate the "WMPlayer.OCX" COM object (in my case, via CoCreateInstance)

3) Retrieve from the object an IOleObject interface pointer via QueryInterface

4) Instanciate an object from the class seen in 1) (I use the CComObject<>::CreateInstance template)

5) Use the SetClientSite method from the interface you got at 3), passing a pointer to your OleClientSite implementation.

6) During the SetClientSite call, WMP will callback you: fisrt asking for an IServiceProvider interface pointer, second calling the QueryService method, asking for an IWMPRemoteMediaServices interface pointer. Return your implementation of IWMPRemoteMediaServices and, third, you will be called again via GetServiceType. You must then return "Remote". You are now connected to the WMP running instance

7) Query the COM object for an IWMPMedia interface pointer

8) If 7) didn't gave NULL, read the the IWMPMedia::name property.


All the above was tested with VS2010 / Windows Seven, and with WMP running (if there is no Media Player process running, just do nothing).

I don't know if yoy can/want to implement COM interface and object in Python. If you are interested by my C++ code, let me know. You could use that code in a C++ DLL, and then call it from python.

I just found a cool Python tool which can query all the controls of any program. Simple, straightforward, and easy to read. It's here:

With that you can get the info from the GUI.

You can also grab the loaded file list. It works for most media player. You can get this information programmatically like this:

This is C++, but at that point you can wrap the native code. This way you have to extract the ID3 tags yourself. Might worth the shot as it would be an universal solution.
